- 不用注册也可以发言,注册的话保留用户名;2、可以设置多个管理员; -do not have to register can also speak to retain the registered users; 2, administrators can set up a number;
- 多种统计功能可以统计到每页的访问量。 并可以生成各种报表比如 日报表 月报表 周报表 年报表等 并可以对来访者在地域进行分析 -variety of statistical functions can be made to the statistics page visited. And can generate various reports such as Japan statements on statements Week statements, and such
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Matlab gui
- 应用matlab的gui进行界面编程的例子,教会你如何使用matlab的gui-gui application of Matlab programming interface for example, the church how you use Matlab gui
- 此程序是java基础知识的例子,是对数据读取的小程序代码,用的关键字是StringBuffer-basic knowledge of java example, the data is read the small code, the keyword is StringBuffer
- 此程序写的是java中进行异常处理的例子,引用系统异常类,或自定义异常,便于初学者参考-this program is written in java Exception Handling for example, under the category of system abnormalities, or defined exception to facilitate reference beginners
- 本程序应用JAVA语言编写的控制台应用程序,是对年龄进行计算的代码,程序简单易懂-the applications and the Java language console application that is calculated at the age of code, procedures simplified
- VIS H.323的LIB库OCX版本最新代码和例子程序,视频编解码部分做了很大的优化,不过需要获取鉴权码才能去掉3分钟通话限制,不过还是很有参考价值-VIS H.323 LIB library OCX latest version of code and example programs, video codec part done a lot of optimization, but it needs access authentication code can be removed res
- 蓝牙bluetooth技术的源代码,非常有参考价值,该代码在linux下可编译,实现了蓝牙协议的大部分profile-Bluetooth BlueTooth technology source code is very valuable, and the code can be compiled under Linux, achieving most of the Bluetooth protocol profile
- dvd播放filter, 该例子演示了播放dvd的过程,需要安装directx9.0-DVD player filter, the example demonstrates the process of dvd players need to install directx9.0
- pb请一定要上载质量高而且本站没有的源码请一定要上载质量高而且本站没有的源码-pb Requests must be of high quality on the site but not the source code must be requested on the site of high quality but not the source
- 视频传输 Filter 的构建例子,用于direct show 流媒体的实时传输,需要安装directx9.0-video transmission Filter Construction examples show for direct real-time streaming media transmission need to install directx9.0