- DSP_Project A few examples of designing and implementing fir filters with Matlab
- FlexPrint print data in flex using vb6
- huffmancoding huffmman coding matlab code
- Wolf---Video-Game-Explosion---A-History-from-Pong Video game industry
- mianfeiqqyewuwangzhan 免费打造TK个人QQ业务站全过程 附源码! 免费打造TK个人QQ业务站全过程 附源码!
- coffee 基于java 对Decorator设计模式的简单应用
- 支持多个客户端的连接,在服务器和多个客户端之间进行数据传输; 接收客户端发送的消息,并显示在一个列表框中;-Supports multiple client connections between the server and multiple clients for data transmission receiving a message sent by the client and displayed in a list box
- 用VC++实现的大图标真彩色工具栏,可自定义为自己喜欢的各种图标资源,大大提高软件界面的美观性。-With large icons VC++ achieve true color toolbars, customizable icons for their favorite resources, greatly improve the aesthetics of the software interface.
- c++利用菜单实现图形变换,包括,点,矩形,椭圆,直线,颜色变换-c++ using the menu of graphics transformations, including, point, rectangle, ellipse, line, color change
- 这是英国Kent大学开发的进程代数的JAVA库,对付多线程和并发系统变得很容易,有大量的范例,我们导师很看好的东西-developed at the University of Kent in the process algebra JAVA basement, deal with multithreading and concurrency system is very easy, we have a lot of examples, we have very good instructors
- 运行程序,打开程序主界面,如图1.1所示。在屏幕录像模块的主窗体中,用户可以设置录像文件名和存储位置,并可以进行录像和抓图,还可以对已有录像文件进行播放、重命名、另存为、查看时间和删除等操作。-Run programs, open the main program interface, shown in Figure 1.1. In the main form of the screen recording module, the user can set the video file name
- 本套网络视频教程由<华清远见嵌入式培训中心>提供,解压后,打开主文件夹下的<index.html>文件即可收看视频。
- 材料力学编程:简支阶梯梁受力分析,针对不同界面形状的梁,画图其受力图,并进行强度校核。-Mechanics of Materials programming: simply supported ladder beam stress analysis for different interface shape of the beam, drawing by trying and strength check.
- 点击ListContrl 列头进行排序,并绘制排序三角形-To click ListContrl column header to sort and draw a sort triangular
- MFC对话框程序,采用VC++6.0编程。导入txt文档保存的二维数组,对其进行拉格朗日差值后导出到指定txt文档中-MFC dialog procedures, using VC++ 6.0 programming. Import dimensional array txt file saved, exported them to a specified difference after Lagrange txt document
- CBtnEx1.2继承自CButton,是在VC++6.0环境下编写的按钮扩展类。按钮的外形可以为自定义的多边形、椭圆, 或由位图中抠出的图形决定。按钮的侧面棱边可为平面或为圆弧状的平滑过渡。可以为按钮设置三种状态下(未激活、鼠标在按钮上、鼠标按下)按钮表面、按钮棱边以及按钮上文字的颜色。同时可为按钮设置焦点框、贴图、ToolTip等细节内容。 -CBtnEx1.2 inherited from CButton, is in VC++6.0 environment prepared by
- 如何在MFC对话框中用控件简单显示bmp图片-How a simple MFC dialog controls display bmp images using
- mfc下的基于tcp/ip协议的聊天程序的客户端源代码- the client of tcp/ip talking programming in mfc