- ser_cli_OK 網路聊天語音程式 本篇提供一個VOIP的基本程式 讓有興趣的人可以參考看看
- mp3_stream_src This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your mp3
- asp_caiwuguanli ASP的在线家庭财务管理
- Newton 牛顿迭代法解方程组 写得比较简单 但是使用
- block-match-and-3D-filtering BM3D算法
- UMAT this code is related to isotropic plasticity model damage problem
- 这是一款功能比较齐全的请假管理系统,设置了不同的权限,不同的功能。即可用于学习,也可用于毕设,课设的参考。-This is a function of a more complete leave management system, set up a different permissions, different functions. Can be used for learning, can also be used to set up, curriculum reference.
- VC编的一个温控器的界面,可以实现按钮的联动,对话框的调用-a Thermostat interface Compiled in VC,Button linkage can be achieved,as well as the call of the dialog box
- MFC实现随机纸牌分配,进行猜牌游戏,并具有评分功能-MFC achieved the random poker game
- 一个小工具,将ini文件缺省的Key补上,你值需要填写Value就可以了,做多国语言翻译的时候能用上!vs2008编写的-A Tool for multi-language translation, It can set the default key the standard ini file.
- 自定义窗体,录音框架,可以仿照这个,换其他图片,资源必须是位图-Custom form, recording framework that can be modeled on this, for other pictures, the resource must be a bitmap
- 掌握CDC的文字处理程序的编写,如何产生自定义字体和自定义插入符,熟悉对CString类的使用。通过对卡拉OK程序的编写,讲解定时器的使用和DrawText函数的巧妙运用。讲解如何使用CDC的裁减功能。-Grasp the CDC' s word processing program to write, how to generate custom fonts and custom caret, familiar with the use of CString class. Kara OK
- 一个简单的串口调试助手实现,没有采用第三方框架,全部是调用Windows API实现的。-A simple serialport software without others framwork
- VC做的小键盘程序,按钮和编辑框两个控件的应用-VC do small keyboard procedures, button and edit box controls two applications
- vs2010,mfc,串口通信,16进制接收与发送-vs2010, mfc, serial communication, receiving and sending hexadecimal
- 基于vs2010做的一个悬浮窗口,该窗口的子窗口是一个对话框,总体程序是在单文档模式下开发的。悬浮窗口可以悬浮于上、下、左、右窗口的四边上。-Based on the vs2010 do a suspension window, the window of the child window is a dialog box, the overall program is in a single document mode of development. Suspension window can
- Weather radar display screen that can display radar speed, and at the interface to achieve a low-level jet algorithm, the output direction and speed!
- 利用bluetooth,wifi室内定位算法-Indoor location algorithm by bluetooth and wifi