- D論壇-D Forum
- 在Linux/Unix平台下,用C语言编写一个进程通信的程序,理解fork()等一些系列系统函数的正确使用和工作原理,学会设计基本的进程通信程序。-in Linux / Unix platform using C language of a process of communication procedures, understanding fork () and some other family functions and the use of the correct principle,
- 服务实验,通过在windows下添加服务,初步了解windows服务,以便使我们更好的学习windows-pilot through the windows added services under a preliminary understanding of windows, to enable us to better learning windows
- 本程序在VB下运行,实现了学生学号姓名的添加,查询及学生成绩的录入、查询,功能比较全面-this program in VB running and realized the students learn the names of the addition, inquiries and student achievement of entry, query, more comprehensive functional!
- bmp2ico 把图片变成图标文件 bmp2ico 把图片变成图标文件 -bmp2ico put pictures into documents bmp2ico icon into a picture document icon bmp2 ico photo bmp2ico document icon into a picture document icon into a picture into bmp2ico bmp2ico document icon into a picture
- edit标签和右键菜单 edit标签和右键菜单 -edit labels and right-click menus and edit labels Right menu edit labels and right-click menus Edi t labeling and right-click menus and edit labels right edit menu and right-click menus labeling
- 菜单演示 菜单演示 菜单演示-menu demonstration men u demonstration men u demonstration menu demo
- 工具栏和状态栏 工具栏和状态栏 工具栏和状态栏 -toolbar and status bar t oolbar and status bar t oolbar and status bar workers with hurdles and the status bar toolbar and status bar
- 获取硬件信息 获取硬件信息 -access to the hardware access to information hardware access to information hardware access to information hardware information
- 列表框_组合框_滚动条 列表框_组合框_滚动条 -box frame _ _ combination of rolling bo x frame _ _ combination of rolling List Box _ _ rolling box combination of the list box frame _ _ combination of rolling box _ _ rolling portfolio of the box
- 最小二乘法曲线拟合 作者:佚名 文章来源:不详 点击数:164 更新时间:2006-1-4 【字体:小 大】【发表评论】【加入收藏】【告诉好友】【打印此文】【关闭窗口】 //最小二乘法曲线拟合 typedef CArray<double,double>CDoubleArray BOOL CalculateCurveParameter(CDoubleArray *X,CDoubleArray *Y,long
- 汽车信号灯控制系统 汽车上有一转弯控制杆。此控制杆有三个位置: 1、 中间位置时,汽车不转弯; 2、 向上时,汽车左转; 3、 向下时,汽车右转; 4、 汽车转弯时,要求左右尾灯、左右头灯和仪表板上的2个指标灯相应地发出闪烁信号; 5、 当应急开关合上时,所有6个信号灯都应闪烁; 6、 汽车刹车时,2个尾灯发出不闪烁的信号; 7、 如刹车时正在转弯,则相应的转弯闪烁信号不受影响。 8、 汽车转弯或应急状态下,外部信号灯和仪表板指示灯的闪烁频率为1HZ。 9