- 参考传奇的源代码写的一个完成端口的例子。推荐学习网络编程的朋友一定要看看。-reference to the legendary source code written in a complete port example. Suggested Learning Network Programming friends must see.
- VB.NET,检测连网状态的程序,对初学VS2005的人有用-VB.NET, the state of networking detection procedures for beginners who hashed useful
- 一个可以捕捉本地所以经过网卡的数据包的程序,可以查看数据包的ip地址,端口和其他详细信息等-can catch a local LAN So after the data packets procedures can view the data packet ip address, ports and other detailed information
- 本程序主要用于对个人计算机进行清理,对恶意软件特别有效.-the procedure used mainly for personal computers to sort out, the malicious software particularly effective.
- 本程序主要用于多机互联,可对个人网络维护和对远程网络进行维护.-the procedure used mainly for multi-computer Internet, the personal network maintenance and remote network maintenance.
- 本程序主要用于互联网网络聊天.可用于多媒体通讯开发.-the procedure used mainly for Internet chatting. Can be used for the development of multimedia communications.
Asp.net数据表控件 V2.0.1445
- Asp.net数据表控件 V2.0.1445,可用于生成各种数据报表,及其在上面进行二次开发。-Asp.net V2.0.1445 control data table, can be used to produce various kinds of data statements, and above for further development.
实例93 判断网址是否有效
- 该程序的功能是判断你输入的一个网址是否有效!-the program's function is to judge you enter the validity of a website!
实例104 在程序中嵌入HTML网页
- 在程序中嵌入HTML网页,它的效果就相当于一个简单的浏览器!-procedures embedded in HTML pages, it is equivalent to the effect of a simple browser!
- MyICQ是一套公开源代码的即时通讯软件,包括服务器端和客户端,可以用于互联网或局域网中。可以运行在Windows或Linux(KDE/Qt)操作系统上,这是Windows版。目前客户端程序的界面完全模仿腾讯的QQ(如果Tencent告我的话,我会马上改的:-)。 总之,如果你崇尚自由,对QQ的越来越多的广告骚扰感到深恶痛绝的话,MyICQ绝对是你很好的选择。-MyICQ is a set of open-source instant messaging software, includi
- 最简单的服务器客户端通信程序,带注释,都是我学习的时候写的,希望对java初学者有用-most simple client server communication procedures with the Notes are learning when I write, java beginners want to useful
- CKong 2.5.3正式版 -CKong official version 2.5.3