- 一个简单的系统管理软件,类似美屏等网管软件,只不过这是单机的一个模型,带ado连接数据库,屏蔽热键,限制鼠标等功能-a simple system management software, similar to the US-screen network management software, but this is a stand-alone model with ado connect to the database, shielding hotkey, mouse functions r
- 数据库连接通用类,有了它,你再也不用担心数据库为什么连接不上了,只要给它数据库的路径,其它的全帮你搞定-Database Connection generic class, with it, you no longer have to worry about database connectivity why not, as long as its database to the path of all other Bangnigaoding
- 通过ADO操作SQLSERVER数据库,获取用户MAC地址,分发不同的IP地址,并记录在数据库中,附带了不重启设置IP地址(因为作者在的局域网,ip为25.51.X.X,所以其中部分修改IP代码请根据情况改变!-SQLSERVER operated by ADO database users access to the MAC address, the distribution of IP addresses and records in a database, not a fringe res
- 一个小演示程序,主要是ADO从数据库中的题库获得题目,出题目,判断正误~,想真正用于实际考试,就得考虑控件的动态生成!-a small demonstration program, mainly from ADO database access to the database topics, subjects, is wrong to judge, really want for the practical test, control would have to consider the dyn
- 采用ODBC技术,利用VC++对XLS文件的结构和记录内容进行了读取,并按一定的格式显示在窗口程序的列表控件内-using ODBC technology, VC right XLS documents on the structure and content of the record to read, with a certain format in the list window control procedures within
- 这些都是关于vc数据库编程方面的例子,请指教!-vc these are on the database programming examples, please advise!
- 通过本文及配套示例源码你可以更加灵活的控制Excel表格文件,其中包括创建新Excel文件、写入表格数据、读取表格数据(包括对原建Excel文件自已手工添加的行、列数据的准确读取),删除已有Excel表格,对表格中指定行、列、单元格进行查询、插入、替换等操作,同时还可以将生成的Excel文件转换为按指定分隔符分隔的其它文本格式的文件-adoption of this sample source code and supporting you to be more flexible control
- 寻找可执行文件的程序,可以打开可执行文件(.exe,.com)-find the executable file procedures to open executable files (. Exe. Com)
- 实现的功能是把数据库中的记录显示到列表视图中,可以进行记录添加、删除、修改、查询等操作-the functions of the database records to the list view and can be recorded to add, delete, modify, search operation
- 演示了在VC中操作ADO的一般方法,给出了一个操作ADO的强大的类以及利用该类实现数据库操作的一个实例-demonstrated in VC ADO operation of the general method is a powerful operating ADO class and the use of database operations such an example
- 这是对Excel处理的详细解释,如有许多错误,请指正-This the Excel detailed explanation of the treatment, if many mistakes, Hi.
- 简单的英语出题系统,带有判分功能。说明:只实现了简单的单选题,读者可自己增加另外的功能,实现原理一样。要先注册数据源,并起名为英语出题及判分系统。-out in simple English that system with sub-contracting functions. Note : only achieve a simple Single-option, readers may increase their own separate functions and the same pri