- 精品文字分享网站,该软件采用mvc+mssql进行开发。 Code为源码目录 需VS2012才可打开 DB为数据库目录 附加即可(Excellent text sharing website, which is developed by mvc+mssql. Code for source directory needs VS2012 to open DB is added to the database directory)
- 阿土鲁cms网站管理系统采用asp.net3.5编写,数据库使用的sqlite,不需要购买数据库的cms,适合建站网站使用,新闻主页使用。(The CMS website management system is written by asp.net3.5. The SQLite of the database is used by the database. It does not need to buy the CMS of the database. It is suitable for
- 调用接口的源码,这个是asp.net的,为了防止有些软件恶意获取手机验证码(calls the source of the interface, which is asp.net, in order to prevent some software from obtaining malicious phone verification code.)
- 高通滤波器,用户选择不同的滤波器,程序生成对应滤波器的接口实例,直接使用接口方法即可。(High pass filter, users choose different filters, programs generate corresponding filter interface instance, directly using the interface method.)
- 网奇CMS网站管理系统是以.net进行开发的内容管理系统,可用于建设新闻类和文章类网站系统。(Net CMS website management system is a content management system developed by.Net. It can be used to build news and articles website system.)
- 获取文字验证码之后,如果没有收到,可以再次获取语音验证码,两种验证码的结合,可以有效避免验证码收不到的情况,从而是验证码的成功率接近100%,有效的避免客户的流失。(After obtaining the text verification code, if not received, you can get the voice verification code again. The combination of the two authentication codes can effecti
Source code, public number access
- 接入微信公众号,砍价源码,是个做公众号店铺(Source code, public number access)
- Cart42是一个功能齐全的购物车软件,用于ASP.NET MVC,你可以在你的服务器上安装。 Cart42目标是要成为一个自由选择到Shopify侧重于性能和可扩展性。(Cart42 is a full-featured shopping cart software, used for ASP.NET MVC, you can install on your server. The goal of Cart42 is to become a free choice to Shopify, fo
- Data地方门户系统是一套免费的地方门户网站搭建系统,包含二手房、出租、楼盘、招聘、二手、生活信息、新闻资讯、黄页、促销、便民电话等地方类网站运营中常用的功能,支持多套皮肤随时切换,无需太专业的知识,修改标签就能完成绝大部分的页面修改,实现每个网站自己的特色。(Data local portal system is a set of free local portal website building system, including used room, rental, building,
- APP区域行业互联网平台是用.net进行开发的手机网站,它可以用来做地方的信息发布平台。软件包含了简单的信息发布和信息搜索功能。(APP regional industry internet platform is a mobile website developed by.Net. It can be used to do local information publishing platform. The software includes simple information releas
- 赣极建站系统是一个由.net进行开发的企业类建站系统,包含了基本的产品增删改和新闻类的增删改。软件还包括了前台静态页面的生成功能。(The construction of Gan Ji station system is an enterprise class establishment system developed by.Net, which includes basic product additions and deletions, and additions and deletion
- 启明星OA系统包含了新闻,通知,图库,文档,请假,加班,会议预定,采购,问题处理,档案管理,投票,调查,表单,聊天,日志,KPI考核等功能。(The star OA system includes news, notifications, drawings, documents, leave, overtime, conference reservation, procurement, problem handling, file management, voting, investigatio