- 本文介绍如何在修改嵌入式linux的启动logo,来展示富有个性的信息-This paper describes how changes in the embedded linux activated logo, to display the rich personality of information
- 内包含网通SP短信开发技术规范,共四个规范:第一分册 短消息网关与服务提供商(SP)接口规范CNGPV2.0.doc;第二分册 短消息网关与计费中心接口规范V2.0.doc;第三分册 短消息中心外部接口协议(CNPPV2.0).doc;第四分册 短消息网关设备规范V2.0.doc-contains Netcom SMS SP technical specifications development, a total of four norms : the first fascicle Short
- 可以获得主机名和IP地址,对于学习网络的初学者来说绝对是个好东西!-can host name and IP address for Learning Network newcomer is definitely a good thing!
- a opc client c++ wapper development kit for industry control-a client c wapper development kit for in dustry control
- 用VC++开发的对GPRS-MODEM控件的简单使用,GPRS-MODEM一般工作在串口,速率为115200 可以收发短信-VC development of GPRS-modem controls simple to use, GPRS-modem serial port in general, the rate of 115,200 can send and receive text messages
- 养成一种良好的编程习惯是一个高级程序员的品性,该文档详细地讲解了C编程的一些规范.-develop a good programming practice is a senior programmer of his personality, The documents explain in detail the C programming of some of the norms.
- 在VB环境下,基于TCP协议的自己设计聊天程序代码,本代码为客服端端口代码。-in VB environment, based on the TCP design their own chat program code, The code of the customer-code port.
- 在VB环境下,基于TCP协议的自己设计聊天程序代码,本代码为服务器端端口代码。-in VB environment, based on the TCP design their own chat program code, The code for the server port code.
- 代码直接操作斑马条码打印机直接输出条码的源代码,代码为C编写,在斑马打印机测试通过,打印速度快,为直接对打印机口的操作.-code directly operating Zebra barcode printers direct output barcode source code, code for C, Zebra printer in the test, print speed and printers directly to the operation of mouth.
- 主要适应于串口调试工作,程序使用MSComm控件处理串口底层,可以在线调整各种通信速率,奇偶效验,通信口等参数而无需重新启动程序.-mainly adapted to the serial testing, procedures to deal with the use of MSComm Serial bottom, Online can adjust communication speed, parity-effective experience, communication paramet
- 学习C51的基本知识调试环境C51语法,尤其搞懂指针、联合、结构推荐wave的IDE进行开发-learning basic knowledge C51 C51 syntax debugging environment, especially s Is pointer, joint, Suggest wave structure for the development of IDE
- USB是PC體系中的一套全新的工業標準,它支持單個主機與多個外接設備同時進行數據交換。 首先會介紹USB的結構和特點,包括總線特徵、協議定義、傳輸方式和電源管理等等。這部分內容會使USB開發者和用戶對USB有一整體的認識。-USB PC system is the new set of industry standards, It supports a single server with a number of external equipment to exchange data sim