- S7_Pro6 一个S7
- xf86-video-ati-X11R7.2-6.6.3 x.org上有关ati系列显卡最新驱动
- FluidPipelineSimulinkModels These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressures at the ends (2) flow rates at the ends (3) pressure at one end and flow rate at the other Filtering is incorporated to reduce numerical oscillation (Gibbs phenomenon). See J. Dyn. Systems
- 《长空激战》手机游戏 这是为参加软件大赛而写的一个手机游戏
- CoorTrans GPS坐标转换算法
- OPERATOR_OVERLOADING A great insight into operator overloading in c/c++. Overloading operators in class operations is always a hectic for beginners. I hope this will be an easy source to take some hint from regarding how the operators are overloaded. Created using Turbo C/C
- 利用事件取得串行端口的输入数据,并指定给窗体上的txtReceive控件进行显示!-Events made use of the serial port input data,Control to the form on the display
- 魔兽争霸显示血量,并修改按键。 自定义修改快捷键 小键盘快捷键修改-Warcraft displays output, and modify the keys. Since the amendment to the definition of small keyboard shortcuts shortcut keys change
- PKCS11源码 主要用于各CA公司 内容提供了简单的DLL和OCX-PKCS11
- 打印机ocx开发,主要应用activex控件控件打印机驱动进行界面开发-Printer ocx development, the main application activex control to control the printer driver interface development
- ssl command on server side.
- 在VC6.0下自制多媒体播放器 Mediaplayer可以实现连续播放,用VC6.0自带的一个ActiveX控件----ActiveMovieControl Object,来建立自己的多媒体播放器-In VC6.0 under the self-made media player Mediaplayer can achieve a continuous playback, with VC6.0 comes with an ActiveX control---- ActiveMovieContro
Beau Gauge Free
- 在网上找路好久,找到了个免费的仪表控件,推荐给大家使用,-Free instrument control and recommend it to everyone to use
- 大名鼎鼎的图表控件TeeChart8的真正破解版,不可多得的好东西,但对用于商业领域产生的纠纷本人概不承担。
- BHO自动注册 源码和程序 两个文件 源码和程序 两个文件-BHO and the program automatically register the two files of source program source and the two files
- vc与excel间通信的c++源代码。适用visual studio 2003及以上版本。-communication between vc and excel c++ source code. For visual studio 2003 and above.
- 使用activex控件实现属性页 -Using activex control to implement propertysheet
- 西铁城CLP621指令编程例子程序,vb bartender 开发-Citizen CLP621 instruction programming example program, vb bartender development