FileUpload Solution
- 实现web多文件上传的客户端代码。ActiveX实现。提供文件浏览,选取,以及读取操作,可配合XMLHttp来实现多文件上传-achieve more web file upload client code. ActiveX achieve. Documents browser, select and read operations, it can tie XMLHttp to achieve more file uploads
- COM模式中服务器客户演示-COM client server model demonstration
- windows的最强的功能应该就是可以完成程序的注册表操作,怎么做的?看我的!-windows of the strongest features is that it should be completed by the registry operating procedures, how so? Look at me!
- visual c++ 通用控件相关设计资料,pdf文件,-visual c GM controls relevant design information, pdf documents,
- 在activex容器中如何选择和激活对象,如何管理嵌入对象的大小和位置,如何实现对对象的保存等功能。-in containers how to choose and activate objects, how to manage the embedded object to the size and location, how to achieve the object of preservation capabilities.
- 关于Com/Dcom的代码,是英文版本的Com精华这本书的配套源代码。-of Com / Dcom code is the English version of the Com essence of this book supporting source code.
COM 原理与应用 (R)
- com方面的很详尽的资料 个人感觉对大家有很大帮助-of very detailed information on individuals we feel will be very useful
- 一个ATL进程内的组建,能够清晰体现 组建的原理 -a process of formation, a clear expression to the principle established
- COM技术及其分布式应用,这上一个典例,好东东应该共享-Distributed COM technology and its application, which on a typical example, should be shared good Dongdong
- DrawSevr: ======================= DCOM服务器程序,不能直接运行,你可以通过reg.bat来注册。注册完,还需要到 控制面板/服务/DrawServ单击右键启动。 这样客户就可以访问了。 可执行文件在DebugU目录下。-DrawSevr : ======================= DCOM server, not directly running, and you can reg.bat to register. End registration,
- ATLDraw: === === ==== DCOM客户程序,用MFC编写。 该程序的运行步骤如下:单击菜单server/connect,地址栏里填写安装了DCOM服务器的地址。 如果是本机可以填127.0.0.1。等弹出OK对话框后就可以用鼠标在VIEW区域画图了。当然可以开 多个客户,观察效果。-ATLDraw : === === === === ==== DCOM client, prepared with MFC. The program, run the following steps
- VC++网络高级编程 该实例向读者展示了ATL的一般编程方法,为后面的COM和DCOM打好基础-VC network programming examples that demonstrate to the readers of the ATL general programming methods, behind the COM and DCOM lay a good foundation