- c#和c++的几个BHO源程序。值得参考学习-c# and c++ several the BHO source. It is also useful to learning
- Windows API的一些基本函数的应用,适合菜鸟级学习。相信每个人看过之后都会有不同的体会。-The application of some of the basic functions of the Windows API for rookie-level learning. I believe that everyone will have a different experience after reading.
- A keyboard sniffer hook for Intermediate Intel X86 opensecuritytraining.info course. Referenced in part 4.
- This a game hack for Call of Duty 4. It bypasses the anticheat, PunkBuster, and has features like aimbot, name esp.-This is a game hack for Call of Duty 4. It bypasses the anticheat, PunkBuster, and has features like aimbot, name esp.
- BlackReleaver is a ring 0 rootkit that can hide files, processes, drivers, registry keys, and more. It uses an inline hook on many ring 0 functions.
- This a Crysis game hack written in MASM. It has some uncommon ideas, like structures for hook information. It has a process injector, that injects the hack s code into the game as if it was shellcode.-This is a Crysis game hack written in MASM. It ha
- 捕获被监视程序的所有行为 包括文件读写、注册表读写等 并且记录每个行为的精确相对时间 对分析程序很有帮助-Captured by the surveillance program including all acts of reading and writing of files, registry read and write and record the precise relative time of each behavior analysis program helpful
- 利用HOOK技术,截获所有消息,并进行判断,如果是回车或空格按键消息,就将其屏蔽。 在VC中利用ADO访问数据库。-HOOK technology intercepts all messages, and to judge if it is a carriage return or space key messages will shield. Access the database using ADO in VC.
- 利用API函数根据窗口标题来隐藏窗体 例子中是 隐藏WOW的窗体和任务栏图标 -Form example form and taskbar icon hidden WOW API function to hide the window title
- 可以测试键盘上所有按键的键值,包括所有的组合键。-Can test the keyboard keys all the key value, including all the key combination.
- MHook改为DLL,增加DEMO实例。-MHook Modifed To Dll,Add Demo
- .NET下的HOOK库。可以全局HOOK API函数。包中的例子是HOOK CreateFile函数。-The. NET HOOK library. Globally HOOK API functions. The example pack HOOK CreateFile function.