- FtpClass Ftp类库
- EditProject 这是一个很好的小程序
- at89prog 上位机 ISP USB ASP 极快的编程速度
- [_Advanced1760326212004 after seeing many stick note programs here i decided to make my ow more advanced version. it suppots many more options than others and looks visually attractive
- DS18B20 关于的应用C程序
- tejnm 利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子
- 微软的detour库,专业版,支持64位.-the professional verson of detours library released by microsoft.
- IAT HOOK的检测及修复示例,可用于用户态的rootkit侦测及修复。-show you how to detect and repair the IAT HOOK in user mode.
- gid源码。使用画板超级方便,直接绘画各种各种方便-Gid source code. Using tablets super convenient, direct painting all sorts of all sorts of convenient
- windows Hook,监视IEw indows Hook,监视IEw indows Hook,监视IE-IEwindows HookIEwindows HookIEwindows HookIEwindows HookIEwindows Hook
- keylogger low level global hook , save log in the same dictionary as log.dat use it in your own PC , if you want to end it use task manger and kill logexe.exe or simply reboot PC .
- 通过截取IO通道的键盘信息截取键盘码进行处理,然后在重新发送回去,可以进行键盘码的更改。-Intercepting keyboard code information processed by intercepting keyboard IO channels, and then sent back again, you can change the keyboard codes.
- 字符串的形式拦截键盘的信息,这样的信息更容易处理,对于初学者来说是比较容易实现的键盘编程。-Keyboard interception string information, such information is easier to handle, it is relatively easy for beginners to achieve keyboard programming.
- 用一个钩子可以勾出Windows里面的一下信息,可以提取一下看不到的键盘按键信息或者排队等待执行的信息。-Windows can be triggered with a hook inside look at information that can extract information about the keyboard can not see or queued for execution of information.
- 获取键盘的记录,可以自己制作一个软件监控电脑键盘是否在离开的时候被人动过,在安全方面有帮助。-Get keyboard recording, you can make your own software to monitor computer keyboard is the time to leave had been moved, there is help in terms of security.
- hook clavier under vb.net
- 全局钩子类,该类可以捕获键盘和鼠标操作。也可以自定义键盘鼠标的操作-Global hook class, which can capture most of the keyboard and mouse actions. You can also customize the keyboard and mouse actions
- 通过设置钩子API,截取键盘事件,学习钩子的不错实例-By setting the hook API, intercepting keyboard events, good examples of learning hooks