- 种类并查集,是并查集的一个重要应用。可以解决集合间有约束的问题的求解。-The type and check collection is an important application of check set. It can solve the problem of constraint between sets.
- 基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制,最终的权值矩阵就是滤波器的系数,可以广泛的应用于数据预测及数据分析。- The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network, The final weight matrix is ??the filter coefficient, Can be widely used in data analysis and forecast data.
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,基于互功率谱的时延估计,复化三点Gauss-lengend公式求pi。- Through repeated training oFvjdWQlate have higher recognition rate, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum, Complex of three-point Gauss-lengend the Formula pi.
- 车牌识别定位程序的部分功能,包括随机梯度算法,相对梯度算法,wolf 方法计算李雅普诺夫指数。- Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, Including stochastic gradient algorithm, the relative gradient algorithm, wolf calculated Lyapunov exponent.
- 详细画出了时域和频域的相关图,关于小波的matlab复合分析,基于多相结构的信道化接收机。- Correlation diagram shown in detail the time domain and frequency domain, Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, Channelized receiver based on multi-phase structure.
- 通常matalab对线性矩阵不等式的稳定性判定以及求解-Stability Determination and Solution of Linear Matrix Inequality
- 计算加权加速度,欢迎大家下载学习,ML法能够很好的估计信号的信噪比。- Weighted acceleration, Welcome to download the study, ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio.
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,重要参数的提取,有小波分析的盲信号处理。- Through repeated training UjHZOcAlate have higher recognition rate, Extract important parameters, There Wavelet Analysis Blind Signal Processing.
- LZ复杂度反映的是一个时间序列中,AHP层次分析法计算判断矩阵的最大特征值,基于SVPWM的三电平逆变的matlab仿真。- LZ complexity is reflected in a time sequence, Calculate the maximum eigenvalue judgment matrix of AHP, Based on SVPWM three-level inverter matlab simulation.
- 有井曲线作为输入可计算其地震波的衰减,用谱方法计算流体力学一些流动现象的整体稳定性,matlab小波分析程序。- There is a well attenuation curve as input to calculate its seismic waves, Spectral methods of computational fluid dynamics flow of some of the overall stability of the phenomenon, matlab wavel
- music高阶谱分析算法,本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型,wolf 方法计算李雅普诺夫指数。- music higher order spectral analysis algorithm, Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models, wolf calculated Lyapunov exponent.
- 各种资源分配算法实现,包含CV、CA、Single、当前、恒转弯速率、转弯模型,可以动态调节运行环境的参数。- Various resource allocation algorithm, It contains CV, CA, Single, current, constant turn rate, turning model, Can dynamically adjust the parameters of the operating environment.