- Programming_with_vim LINUX下的程序员没有不知道VIM的
- example4 packet exchange between nodes using tcp.
- ARM Asm.pdf ARM Assembly Programming Language Author: Peter Cockerell Perfect manual for deep learning
- chpthe Search all the music files on disk and tidy as tree form
- sim800_series_download_tools_customer_v1.06 This is sim808 source code
- ESP8266模块官方指导文件
- 随着网络和电脑的日益普及,买电脑的方式发生了很大变化,一部分人从到实体店买电脑变成了网购电脑。由于网上购买电脑具有方便、快捷、价格低、种类多等优点,网购电脑已经被广泛的应用。如何管理好电脑购买网站也变得十分的重要,我所设计的联想电脑网,正是基于这种需求诞生的。(With the increasing popularity of computer and network, great changes have taken place to buy a computer, some people f
- 计算机大赛机械动画,两个例子很好,做这方面的课件可以参考(COMPUTER DYNAMIC IMAGE)
- 在simulink上仿真的,四旋翼无人机与移动物体交互的仿真程序(Simulation on the Simulink, four rotor UAV interaction with moving objects simulation program)
- 智能家居系统,实在实际工作中应用到,包括底层和应用驱动。(It is a designing for family,)
- hog+svm的Demo,实测可以运行,搭配INRIA图片集准确率为0.96. 不足:直接把图片缩小为64*128来检测,window的滑动没有。(the demo of HOG+SVM, could run,; not enough: it resize image to 64*128. the window have no slide.)
Client-Server Socket Programming
- Most inter process communication uses the client server model. These terms refer to the two processes which will be communicating with each other.
- Qt 的良好封装机制使得 Qt 的模块化程度非常高,可重用性较好,对于用户开发来说是非常 方便的。 Qt 提供了一种称为 signals/slots 的安全类型来替代 callback,这使得各个元件 之间的协同工作变得十分简单(The good encapsulation mechanism of Qt makes Qt highly modular and has good reusability, so it is very convenient for user development.
- In video compression algorithms a residual frame is formed by subtracting the reference frame from the desired frame. This difference is known as the error or residual frame. The residual frame normally has less information entropy, due to nearby vid
- 模拟贪吃蛇游戏的设计 模拟贪吃蛇小游戏(Snake game design simulation)
- 对彩色图片集进行分类,并计算分类的正确率(classify Color digital set)
- 源程序_《Maltab在数学建模中的应用》书中的程序(Application of source program _Maltab in mathematical modeling)
- 时钟芯片采用的是DS1302,此芯片是DALLAS 公司推出的涓流充电时钟芯片,其内含有一个实时时钟/日历和31 字节静态RAM,并通过简单的串行接口与单片机进行通信。实时时钟/日历电路提供秒、分、时、日、日期、月、年的信息,每月的天数和闰年的天数可自动调整,时钟操作可通过AM/PM 指示决定采用24 或12 小时格式。DS1302 工作时功耗很低,保持数据和时钟信息时功率小于1mW。(hello world shixianle wannianli de gongneng)