UniWebView 3.4.0
- Unity UniWebView 3.4.0 插件(Unity UniWebView 3.4.0)
- this is pfc file that you can use pfc
pfc paper
- this is pfc file that you can use pfc2
- W5500使用UDP模式实现与上位机通讯,数据可以接收跟发送(W5500 uses UDP mode to communicate with the host computer. It can send and receive data.)
- echarts全国及各省地理数据(包含省级和市级地图数据)(echarts National and provincial geographic data (including provincial and municipal map data))
- 魔力宝贝 辅助 功能多种全面,瞬移,挂机,自动补血 原地遇敌等(Magic Baby auxiliary functions are comprehensive, quick moving, hanging up, automatic blood enriching, and so on.)
- 启发式算法、优化算法和随机三种情况下的仿真对比。(Heuristic algorithm, optimization algorithm and simulation comparison in random three cases.)
- 3D点云重建 3D点云重建Berkeley SfM is a structure from motion library created to explore new solutions to challenging 3D reconstruction problems (large scale, indoors, incremental, homogeneously textured, etc.). It is developed by(Structrue From Motion for
- 用于计算光纤中的受激布里渊散射效应,计算斯托克斯光的功率SBS(Calculation of SBS in optical fiber)
LBL-TDOA-beacon positioning error simulation
- 采用双曲线交汇进行长基线定位,误差源为信标偏移误差的仿真图(The two - curve intersection is used to locate the long baseline and the error source is the simulation diagram of the beacon deviation error.)
LBL-TDOA-distance measuring error simulation
- 采用双曲线交汇进行长基线定位,误差源为测距误差的仿真图(the long baseline positioning is carried out by the double curve intersection, and the error source is the simulation diagram of ranging error.)
LBL-TDOA-Target movement error simulation
- 采用双曲线交汇进行长基线定位,误差源为目标移动误差的仿真图(the two curves are used to locate the long baseline and the error source is the simulation diagram of the target movement error.)