- 复合材料rve建立界面单元,用商业有限元软件abaqus(Interfacial element of composite RVE)
- SolidWorks自定义属性模板,用于SolidWorks出工程图时填写零件和装配体属性,一键导入宏程序的一个过渡模板(SolidWorks custom attribute template for filling in parts and assemblers properties when SolidWorks is out of the project diagram, one key to import a transition template for the macro prog
- 计算齿轮箱阶次跟踪,可得到角度域信息,绘制阶次谱(The angular domain information can be obtained by calculating the order tracking of gearbox.)
- 使用Mie系列解决方案计算给定直径的完美球体的精确RCS 使用Mie系列解决方案计算给定直径的完美球体的精确RCS(SPHERE_RCS calculates the exact RCS for a perfect sphere of given diameter, using the Mie series solution, given by equations 4-19, 4-16, and 4-17 in section 4.2 of "Radar Cross Section,
- 对于船舶及海洋平台等海洋浮式结构物,在其水动力试验过程中针对其横摇、纵摇运动数据进行分析,计算得出其固有运动周期及阻尼系数,进一步为船舶水动力试验的开展提供支持。(For floating structures such as ships and offshore platforms, the rolling and pitching motion data are analyzed during their hydrodynamic tests, and their inherent moti
- matlab实现时间反转镜的小程序~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Realization of TRM using matlab)
USA state 1
- 美国州界矢量图,shp格式的。可以提供给Arcgis初学者,当做案例教学使用。(U.S. State Boundary Vector Map, in SHP format. It can be provided to beginners of Arcgis as case teaching.)
USA state 2
- 美国州界矢量图,可以提供给Arcgis初学者,当做案例教学使用。(The U.S. State Boundary Vector Map can be provided to beginners of Arcgis as a case study.)
- 基于simulink的永磁同步电机的SVPWM控制和电流滞环控制(SVPWM Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor)
- 南网计量自动上行数据规约2013调试软件(Debugging Software 2013 for Automatic Uplink Data Protocol of South Network Metering)
- 飞思卡尔模型库,应用于ADS软件,用于射频微波仿真(Freescale model library, used in ADS software)
buaa.data analyse.third
- 插值,最小二乘,解非线性方程组,算法,算例,源代码,分析(Interpolation, least squares, solving nonlinear equations, algorithms, examples, source code, analysis)