- rulercontrol The code examples provide a good mobile and can target the mobile movement benchmark examples.
- thresholdHSI 采用小波变换的方法实现心电信号的滤波
- fadingLedWithPod A simple C file that fades in and out an LED attached to Arduino UNO with the use of a potensiometer. The code is C. The potentiometer has to be attached to analog pin 0 and the LED to digital pin 6. It uses both ADC ( analog to digital conversion ) and PWM ( pulse width modulation ).
- MP3 Java language imitation QQ music player adapter
- D2D 的自适应链路仿真
- PWM控制 labview通过PWM脉冲控制电机转速
- DOS下音乐播放,可支持集成声卡! DOS下音乐播放,可支持集成声卡!-Play music under DOS, Support AC 97... Play music under DOS, Support AC 97...
- STEP7网络组态步骤教程中文版,学习STEP7组态的同学可以用了。-Network configuration steps tutorial STEP7 Chinese, students studying STEP7 configuration can be used.
- 易语言专用高级模块:超级模块-更新至4.8-Easy high-level language-specific modules: Super Module- Update to 4.8
- 流水线模数转换电路输出信号做fft后求SNR,SNDR的matlab程序-matlab fft program for SNR and SNDR of pipelined analog to digital converter(ADC)
- VC写的huffman压缩算法,包括数据流以及文件方式实现的huffman数据压缩算法-huffman compression algorithm
- 激光谐振腔模拟程序,包含条形腔和圆形腔以及环形腔-Laser resonator simulation program, including strip and circular cavity and ring cavity
- LISP源码200例,全面强大,适用于AUTOCAD二次开发用户,不加修改直接使用-LISP source, 200 cases of full power for secondary development of AUTOCAD users directly without modification
- 七参数转换 VB坐标转换源码转载作品 2008-11-08 21:51:41 阅读25 评论0 字号:大中小 -very good!With the continuous development of GIS technology, the current application of GIS changed from based information management and planning to the combination of the regional development
- 编写完成的VC程序修改名字工具,可以自动修改工程中的所有内容-VC completed the preparation of procedural changes the name of tool
- 用易语言做的CE源码带提升权限模块用易语言做的CE源码带提升权限模块-With easy language to enhance the authority of the CE source code with a module for easy language to enhance the authority of the CE source code with a module
- ATMEGA32+Proteus仿真原理图+C应用程序,仿真仿真MMC和SD卡-ATMEGA32+ Proteus schematic diagram+ C simulation applications, simulation simulation MMC and SD cards
- 一个用多项式作最小二乘法拟合的程序,在工程上有广泛的应用。-A polynomial for least squares fitting with the procedures, the project has wide application.