- [CMS程序]CMSware v2..85 UTF-8简体中文免费版(php5)_cmsware_free_2_8_5_20071203_php5_utf8-zh(CMSware v2..85 UTF-8 Simplified Chinese Free Edition(php5)_cmsware_free_2_8_5_20071203_php5_utf8-zh)
- 沟通未果后撒谎文化ad后发动机的更加开放港口付好款更何况(hnsfjhdfjdgkjfgkfghkghkfghkghkghkgh)
- PIC16F1822检测电容,采用了2PNP镜像电流源,精度1pF.(PIC16F1822 detection capacitor, the use of 2PNP mirror current source, accuracy 1pF.)
- 1.存储商品信息 2.查看库存清单 3、计算求和: 总库存,总金额(1. storing commodity information 2. check inventory 3. Calculate sum: total inventory, total amount)
- c#封装的高并发实例,可以拿过去直接用,非常好的已经经过测试(C # encapsulation of high concurrent instances, can take directly in the past, very good has been tested)
- 浮点数与十六进制转换工具,需要的朋友可以下载,在编写程序字节转换的的时候特别有用。(Floating point number and sixteen decimal conversion tool)
- 彩色图像取模软件,有编写LCD显示的程序,需要用到此字模转换成对应的字节。(Color image modulo software, have written LCD display program, need to use this font into the corresponding byte.)
WDLF Eipes
- An integrated information management platform based on B/S architecture for e-commerce enterprises and new product evaluation. Commonly used, deployed in the internal LAN of e-commerce enterprises, as a new clothing selection, new design scheme, inte
- Station system is a simple, easy to use, comfortable, zzzcms management system to let the webmaster more to save time, reduce the webmaster and administrator, in the interaction to reduce operation steps, reduce the confirmation, return, know the oth
- 基于Unity3d(2017.2.0f)的Leap Motion(LM-C01-US)和5DTGlove(14U)联合应用的Assets。 包含一个为LMCA4.3.3(Leap公司的官方源文件Leap_Motion_Core_Assets_4.3.3)添加的补丁包。(Assets for Leap Motion(LM-C01-US) & 5DTGlove(14U) application based on Unity3d(2017.2.0f). Include a patch for
- labview控制扫描枪读取条码或二维码。(LabVIEW controls scanning gun to read bar code or two dimensional code.)
v24 100node
- design energy aware wsn clustering and a*