- 桶排序 (Bucket sort)或所谓的箱排序,是一个排序算法,工作的原理是将数组分到有限数量的桶子里。(BUCKETSORT (Bucket sort) or the so-called box sort is a sorting algorithm, the principle is the array is divided into a finite number of buckets.)
- sizeof函数是求对象空间大小的函数。 arry是整个数组,arry[0]是数组中第一个元素。(The sizeof function is a function of the size of the object space. Arry is the entire array, and arry[0] is the first element in the array.)
- 模板是C++支持参数化多态的工具,使用模板可以使用户为类或者函数声明一种一般模式,使得类中的某些数据成员或者成员函数的参数、返回值取得任意类型。(The template is C++ supports parametric polymorphism tool, can be used as a general user mode or function declaration using a template, the parameters, some data members of the
- you can do it.it is so easy.wheater it is a good job for you.
- 识别内存是否进行写入的工具。他可以自动监视程序的方式是查找特征码,所以不能确保所有得内存监控程序都能识别,而且支持最常用的五种监控软件。(A tool to identify whether memory is written. The way he can automatically monitor the program is to find the feature code, so you can't make sure that all memory monitoring program
- 云南省乡镇村组KML数据,数据全、祥细。(Township Village in Yunnan province KML data, data, xiangxi.)
- 教与学优化算法 智能优化算法 启发式算法(teach-learn based optimization algrithom)
pattern recognize1
- 1. 以身高为例,画出男女生身高的直方图并做对比; 2. 采用最大似然估计方法,求男女生身高以及体重分布的参数; 3. 采用贝叶斯估计方法,求男女生身高以及体重分布的参数(假定方差已知,作业请注明自己选定的一些参数情况); 4. 采用最小错误率贝叶斯决策,画出类别判定的决策面。并判断某样本的身高体重分别为(160,45)时应该属于男生还是女生?为(178,70)时呢?(The program is used for classification of men and women in pa
- 在支持wifi-direct的系统中(需要硬件系统支持)显示手机投屏.(support wifi-direct feature on miracast receive server.)
Vibrational temperature
- 利用光谱的测量结果计算分子振动温度.通过测量氮分子离子391附近的六根谱线,得到其分子振动温度。(Calculation of molecular vibrational temperature using spectral measurements)
- 身份证读卡器 测试程序多种语言 包含C# C++(ID card reader test program multiple languages)
- qq自动加群源码,实现在自动操作,很不错的例子(Qq automatic group of the source code)