- C++工具提示 c++提示扩展工具代码
- VC_SQLServer 使用MFC对vc中如何使用数据库相关类进行与SQLServer编程
- svm.cpp libsvm algorithm for macine learning
- simple_PCA_BP 适合初学者使用的非常清晰的人脸识别PCA算法
- aem Python Script of Automated Energy meter. The code reads the GPIO data of pulse the energy meter which is interfaced with raspberry pi and sends the data to Thingspeak cloud through API.
- includes this the continuation code
- 问题去玩儿体育阿什顿发给有啊水电费过户啊水电费过户阿什顿发布(over thereasdfghasdfghasdfgh)
- 实时文件读写,可以实现文件的同时读写操作,包括read和write两个工程(Real time file read and write, you can read and write files at the same time, including read and write two projects)
- 测试 中含有已经设置好的运行在计算机仿真系统bochs下 的Linux系统。(The test contains the Linux system which has been set up in the computer simulation system bochs.)
- 一些自己做的程序作业 c++ jiandanchengxulianxi(homeworkc++ jiandanchengxulianxi)
- 字符串分隔例子源码 如125656FEFEGEGDYT 显示为1256 56FE FEGE GDYT(String separation example source code, such as 125656FEFEGEGDYT The display is 1256 56FE FEGE GDYT)
- 输入重复值提示例子:录入重复值会提示重复。(Examples of repeated input values: duplicate values will prompt repetition.)
- flac练习用的5章中的小例子,在软件中直接输入命令流文件(FLAC exercises for small examples, are command stream files, you can directly enter the use)
- flac练习用的第六章中的小例子,都是可以直接输入使用的命令流文件,(FLAC exercises for small examples, are command stream files, you can directly enter the use)
- flac练习用的第7章中的小例子,都是直接输入使用的命令流文件,(FLAC exercises for small examples, are command stream files, you can directly enter the use)
- 基于MFC用户界面线程开发的,关于C++与Matlab联合仿真中dll调用方式的例子,以绘制单条曲线为例(Based on the development of MFC user interface thread, the example of DLL calling method in C++ and Matlab co simulation is used to draw a single curve as an example)
- 风向的频率分布图,数据b为风频,a为静风频率(Wind direction frequency distribution, data for wind frequency)
- 爱问共享资料拥有大量关于英语作文的实用类文档资料,所有文档由知名合作机构以及专业作者提供,线上总资料超过两个亿,保证满足您的需求(I forget all my worries and I can make lots of friends who have the same interest. In the evening when I finish doing my homework, I like reading because I can get lots of knowledge fro