- 这个例子展示了如何应用偏最小二乘回归(plsr)和主成分回归(PCR),并讨论了两种方法的有效性。 本人亲测有效-This example shows how to apply Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) and Principal Components Regression (PCR), and discusses the effectiveness of the two methods. PLSR and PCR are both me
- 栅格校正源代码,用matlab实现,抄自网上-Grid correction source code using matlab, copied from the Internet
- 傅里叶变换,系统信号转换有关,频域时域变换问题-Fourier transform, the system signal conversion is related to the frequency domain the domain transform
- 本程序采用了财付通支付接口做支付网关.支付成功后能将支付信息发送给客户的邮箱通知.你只需要免费申请一个财付通商户帐号就可以了.-This program uses a fortune to pay through pay interface to do the payment gateway. E-mail notification of successful payment information sent to the customer can pay. You only need a fr
- MFC rs232的 串口连接 通讯 测试程序-The MFC rs232 serial port communications test program
- 动态链接库导出宏头文件的C++代码编写示例-Dynamic libraries export the macro
- 《labview实验教程》本书主要介绍labview的功能,labview数据采集与仪器控制的功能。-The labview experiment course "book mainly introduces the function of labview, data acquisition and control instruments labview function.
- The data can be viewed and analyzed to some degree while real-time monitoring is in progress. For more advanced analysis, real-time monitoring must be halted by clicking the Stop button or selecting the Operation>Stop Sniffing/Playback menu op
- 线性表采用链式存储结构:编写程序实现以下功能 1、建立单链表 2、打印单链表 3、在单链表的第i个结点前插入一个新元素,并打印新的单链表 4、删除单链表的第i个结点,并打印新的单链表 -Linear form a chain storage structure: write a program to achieve the following functions 1, the establishment of a single linked list 2,
- 这是一个关于线性表采用链式存储结构的源代码,很有用!请珍藏!-This is one of the linear form a linked storage structure of the source code, very useful! Please treasure! 1, the establishment of a single linked list 2, print list In3, a single list of the I node b
- 这是一个很好的,很有用的停车场系统!请各位程序爱好者们珍藏呀!-This is a very good, very useful parking system! Please program enthusiasts collection!
- android上的向tomcat服务器发送Http请求获取服务器端的返回数据(字符串)-android on the tomcat server to send Http request to obtain the return of server-side data (string)