- 104483529 一个关于LINUX内核的分析笔记
- 118-FlatworldMutant A solution (with a .txt file containing test cases) to the Mutant Flatworld Explorers problem in Volume I of the Problem Volumes of the UVA Online Judge. The problem is available at http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com
- face_det Here is the face detection code of my FYP in BS. Face Detection and recognition processes heavily depends o how well the image is compensated for pose and illumination variations. Illumination variation due to light source at absolute position and intensity sometimes give rise to large variability.
- [SRC]-BabyRAT-v2 An Very good Source Code for Visual Basic 6
- Inkscape.pdf Inkscape user manual with all topics to draw in this amazing software.
- Floating point unit interfaced with an arm7 board to arm it to do floating point operations like additions, subtraction etc.
- an assembler written in c language
- basic calculator as an interpreter or parser
- 初学者学习dos的好工具。里面含有基本的dos命令的使用和说明。-learn how to use dos command for primary learner.
- Context free grammmar implementation in c
- A document on Unified modelling language
- 可剥离进程的OD,自己找了好久,放这了,需要的拿吧-strong od detach
- 尝试制作界面菜单(uimenu)和上下文菜单(uicontextmenu、uimenu),兵士菜单项能够实现一定功能; 尝试使用menu函数实现简单功能; 为plot绘制的点型增加其他属性修改功能,如markerfacecolor和markersize等; 尝试实现mesh和surf的属性修改界面; 尽可能实现更多的GUI内容。-Trying to create interface menu (uimenu) and the context menu (uicontextmenu
- 多功能计算器 除了提供常规的计算功能外 还添加了进制间的相互转换(十进制 二进制 八进制 十六进制间)和两组计时器-Multi function calculator is provided in addition to the conventional calculation function also added between hexadecimal conversion ( decimal binary octal hexadecimal sixteen rooms) and two t
- 一个简版词法分析程序。对cpp文件中的内容进行统计分析,比如有多少 + 号、‘+=’号,多少字符串,哪些关键字-A simplified version of lexical analysis program for .cpp files. e.g how many + or -= exists in the source file, and what are those keywords and strings in the file.
- The small programm, which shows organizaion of tiny logger for some situations. currently finished timer and process watching. but it is simple to expand it functional.
- MM1程序代码,平台C++或者C语言,有界面,可以当作业交,非商业用途-MM1 queuing system,working at C++ or C platform,it is a simple code,it is easy,but it is work,and it is smart,good and efficient。