- 电阻封装对应功率 对工程师硬件设计非常有帮助-Resistance corresponds to the power of packaging hardware design engineers very helpful
- VC++6.0编程环境,知任意年月日求星期几的C语言程序-VC++ 6.0 programming environment, to know the arbitrary date for the week of the C Language Program
- 程序员才看的懂的表白 很有意思 又需要的看一下哦-Programmer to see to understand the need to declare a very interesting look at the oh
- uC/OS-II,The Real-Time Kernel, CORE FUNCTIONS, 80x86/80x88 Specific code (LARGE MEMORY MODEL)-uC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel, CORE FUNCTIONS, 80x86/80x88 Specific code (LARGE MEMORY MODEL)
- 行搜索算法用于在一个矩阵中从上到下寻找线性无关的行。给出了行搜索算法的说明,最后给出源程序!-Line search algorithm used in a matrix from top to bottom to find linearly independent rows. Line search algorithm is given the note, and finally given the source code!
- 银行家算法。银行客户系统常用的一个算法。。此代码效率不高,如果有大牛能够给予指教,感激不尽-Banker s Algorithm. Bank customers in the system commonly used in an algorithm. . This code efficiency is not high, if there are large cattle can give advice grateful
- 本文主要将蚁群算法用于解决连续函数优化的问题-This paper will be used for ant colony algorithm to solve the problem of continuous function optimization
- Euler函数: m = p1^r1 * p2^r2 * …… * pn^rn ai >= 1 , 1 <= i <= n Euler函数: 定义:phi(m) 表示小于等于m并且与m互质的正整数的个数。 phi(m) = p1^(r1-1)*(p1-1) * p2^(r2-1)*(p2-1) * …… * pn^(rn-1)*(pn-1) = m*(1 - 1/p1)*(1 - 1/p2)*……*(1 - 1/pn)
- C/C++程序,入门级。 获得数列或者字母序列全排列的方法。 练手的小程序。-C/C++ Procedures, entry-level. Access series or sequence of letters with the whole approach. Practicing hand applet.
- 五简单算术表达式的求值 要求: 1、 从键盘输入一个表达式:如(2-(4*5-2))/5=。 2、 操作数仅为一位整数1,2,3,…,9 3、 支持+ - * / ()等符号。 4、 支持运算符的优先级。 5、 支持括号的嵌套。 -Five simple arithmetic expression evaluation requirements: 1, from the keyboard input an expression: If (2- (4* 5-2))
- (一) 求a~b 之间各个数的约数个数之和。(其中包括a和b在内) ans = sigma(f(i)) , (a <= i <= b) , 其中f(i)表示i的约数的个数 -(A) for a ~ b between the various numbers about the number and the number of. (Including a and b included) ans = sigma (f (i)), (a <= i <= b), whic
- //使用gray code的解法 #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std #define ZERO 0 #define ONE 1 #define ODD 1 #define EVEN 0 #define RIGHT 1 #define LEFT 0 #define MAX 10-//Gray code to use the method#