pyfannWin32.python 神经网络 数据挖掘
- python 神经网络 数据挖掘 python实现的神经网络算法,python data mining neural network python of neural network algorithm to achieve
- 产生高斯分布随机变量方法的Matlab脚本,运用该小程序可以方便产生高斯分布随机变量,Random variables have a Gaussian distribution methods Matlab scr ipt, use the small program can easily generate Gaussian distributed random variables
- 发射部分采用锁相环式频率合成器技术, MC145152和MC12022芯片组成锁相环,将载波频率精确锁定在35MHz,输出载波的稳定度达到4×10-5,准确度达到3×10-5,由变容二极管V149和集成压控振荡器芯片MC1648实现对载波的调频调制;末级功放选用三极管2SC1970,使其工作在丙类放大状态,提高了放大器的效率,输出功率达到设计要求。,Part of the launch phase-locked loop frequency synthesizer using technolog
- 停用词表,可以和词表结合用于分词,适用于任何开发环境。,Stop word table, and vocabulary can be combined for sub-word applies to any development environment.
- 编写C++程序完成以下功能: 定义一个Point类,其属性包括点的坐标,提供计算两点之间距离的方法 定义一个矩形类,其属性包括左上角和右下角两个点,提供计算面积的方法 创建一个矩形对象,提示用户输入矩形左上角和右下角的坐标 观察矩形对象以及Point类成员的构造函数与析购函数计算其面积,并输出 ,The preparation of C++ Process is complete the following functions: the definition of
- 这是一个工业编程控件,可以实现工业监控界面,就像LAbview界面一样,This is a program of industrial controls, industrial monitoring interface can be achieved, just like Labview interface
- 用了好久的AVR编程软件,不错,跟大家分享一下!,Used for a long time of AVR programming software, yes, to share with you!
- 8位可预置的循环移位数字信号发生器、简易逻辑分析仪,8 of the cyclic shift can be preset digital signal generator, simple logic analyzer
ip_vs_wrr 基于权限轮转的任务调度算法
- 基于权限轮转的任务调度算法,主要是适用于linux的操作系统,希望对大家有帮助-Based on the authority of the rotary task scheduling algorithm, mainly is suitable for the Linux operating system, and we want to help
myGPS 用于计算卫星坐标,用C++编写
- 用于计算卫星坐标,用C++编写的,通过卫星星历确定卫星位置,经供参考哦-Used to calculate the satellite coordinates, written in C++, the determination of satellite positions, satellite ephemeris for
douban-agist 按键精灵实现的功能
- 按键精灵实现的功能。实现自动注册豆瓣,给自己增加粉丝以及刷票功能。-Wizard button to achieve the function. Automatic registration watercress, add to their fans and brush vote function.
Minimum-code-distance 用C语言编写的求二进制数的最小码距
- 用C语言编写的求二进制数的最小码距。思路清晰,结构明了。适合初学者对C语言的了解与掌握。-Written in C language, the minimum code requirements from the binary number. Clear thinking, clear structure. Suitable for beginners to understand and master the C language.