- fundamentalsofcompiling 编译原理课件
- mulSimNewton MATLAB用于非线性方程组的求解问题
- huffman 用C语言实现哈弗曼压缩算法
- ryan-adolfo This a sample how to send SMS using AT Commands like in HyperTerminal via GSM Modem or compatible GSm phone attatched to the PC Comport or USB port.. For this sample i used Huawei E160 GSM/HSDPA/GPRS modem.. demonstrate how to use MSComm Control in VB6 in order to send data to the GSM Modem TODO: this code may not work with other modem so better check your modem s specs and manual check your modem s settings (baud Rate
- qqjiqiren 通过网页登陆QQ
- ga_cheliangjiaotong 基于改进的遗传算法的城市交通信号优化分析
- 趋势交易和波段建议比较稳定,建议用在外汇黄金投资品种1小时区域进行分析(Trend trading and band recommendations are relatively stable, and it is suggested to be used in the 1 hour area of foreign exchange gold investment.)
- 商城里购物车单独提出来 实现其功能 ,包括购物车里面商品的增删改查功能(Purchase and deletion of shopping cart)
- 实现蓝牙功能,蓝牙PC端的调试助手。实现蓝牙开发(The Bluetooth function, the debug assistant of the Bluetooth PC side. Realization of Bluetooth development)
- MATLAB概率与数理统计分析(第2版)中的随书文件(MATLAB probability and mathematical statistics analysis (Second Edition))
- Matlab有限元结构分析与工程应用课本(books for finite element)
- 脉搏波预处理 小波4,5层和去除基线漂移(PPG preconditioning wavelet 4 5 and remove baseline drift)
- 在abaqus下运行,自动建蜂窝模型。~~~(honey model builder in abaqus/CAE)
- 影响力最大化算法,python实现,包含多个算法(influence maximum,search several nodes to make the influence spreading maximum)
- 此软件包是基于MATLAB2010平台编写的潮流计算软件,用于计算电力系统潮流,针对3机9节点,及经典39节点进行验证结果正确。压缩包里有代码的详细介绍。(The software package is a power flow calculation software based on the MATLAB2010 platform, which is used to calculate the power flow. The results are correct for 3 machine
论文 基于图像恢复在无人机领域的应用与研究 (2)
- 由于无人机在航拍时会受到相对运动、姿态变化、光学环境、机械振动等因素的影响,导致所拍图像退化。本文使用MATLAB对无人机航拍图像退化过程进行了仿真实验,根据图像退化的原因建立相应的图像退化模型,把清晰的原图像进行退化处理,然后将模拟出来的退化图像分别使用维纳滤波、约束最小二乘(正则)滤波、Lucy-Richardson迭代非线性和盲解卷积4种不同的复原算法进行恢复,达到复原模糊图像的目的。(The application of UAV aerial photography became mor
- 可实现水的蒸发冷凝,引入饱和蒸汽分压,对液相水的蒸发的描述更符合实际(water evaporation and condesation)
- 做了三电平并网逆变器的仿真,添加了不控整流制造谐波,(The simulation of three level grid connected inverters is made, harmonics are added with uncontrolled rectifier, and the influence of harmonics is observed.)