- php+mysql做的调查问卷管理系统 -This is a system of questionmanagersThis is a system of questionmanagers
- Multiresolution mosaic
- 实现不定长整数的加减法,即使是超出长整型范围的-it s a small programme to complete add or minus between integer(no matter how long it is)
- 设计散列表实现身份证查找系统,对身份证号进行 Hash。 [基本要求] (1) 设每个记录有下列数据项:身份证号码(虚构,位数和编码规则与真实一致即 可)、姓名、地址。 (2) 从键盘或文件输入各记录,以身份证号码为关键字建立散列表。 (3) 采用开放定址的方法解决冲突。 (4) 查找并显示给定身份信息的记录。-Designed to achieve identity hash table lookup system, ID number for Hash. [
- 样式表中文手册 是用于控制网页样式并允许将样式与网页内容分离的一种标记性语言-English manual style sheet is used to control web page styles and allows the separation of style and content of a markup language
- This paper presents a new distributed multi-agent scheme for reactive power management in smart coordinated distribution networks with renewable energy sources (RESs) to enhance the dynamic voltage stability, which is mainly based on controlling
- 实现打开谷歌搜索 可以遨游。。。。。。。。。。。。。。(to open google.com. you know nothing. what the fuck)
- The use of PHP prepared, IP voting voting and voting login two ways to use the MySQL database, please use before the introduction of simplevote.sql to the database, the system and the response page design, adaptive browsing. Default backend account:
tms320c6672 123
- CPU: 1GHz浮点处理能力 板载内存: 2G 数据存储能力: ≥16GB 网络接口要求: 1000M网络,TCP(多连接)和UDP接口 接口数据率: ≥30MB/S(CPU: 1GHz floating point processing capability Onboard memory: 2G Data storage capacity: 16GB Network interface requirements: 1000
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Kaspersky Reset Trial Final
- bdzfzdbfd dtyn srtsh ehstr tsh sthb tshesth ershsehtesehdzhh h seth sehes sth h dhs
Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems
- 毫米波的特性应用,以及现阶段的发展趋势和主要技术难题(The characteristics and application of millimeter wave and the development trend and main technical problems at the present stage)