- 使用AE+VB编写代码实现空间分析,目前以实现了差查询图层和字段的功能,缓冲区分析实现还有些问题。-Use AE+ VB code realization space analysis, at present in order to realize the poor inquires the function of the layer and field, buffer analysis realization some problems.
- 程序内容简单,适用于初学者,程序功能有,划线画圆,计算机图形学也是可以参考的-The contents of the program is simple, suitable for beginners, the program features crossed circle, computer graphics reference
- 1、 主控模块:采用89C52单片机进行各项控制; 2、 键盘处理、显示及报警模块:实现人机交互操作和控制; 3、 定时及电器控制:通过继电器连接外部电器,由单片机进行定时控制; 4、 异步串行通信:实现微机RS-232接口和单片机的异步串行通信; 5、 在线编程接口:通过微机串行口或USB接口,实现微机对单片机的在线编程控制; -Master module: 89C52 microcontroller various control 2, keyboard handlin
- R3任务管理器隐藏C++源代码 R3 task manager hide C++ source code -R3 task manager hide C++ source code
- 产生一个基于实际测量的移动无线体域网信号(接收信号与发送信号的比值)- Generate a signal (in terms of received power with respect to transmit power) for a mobile wireless body area network based on extensive measurement campaign
- 包含收发两个客户端程序,基于K均值的PSO聚类算法,对于初学者具有参考意义。- Transceiver contains two client programs, K-means clustering algorithm based on the PSO, For beginners with a reference value.
- radar systemview源码,我花钱买的,很难找的哦。-the the radar systemview source I spend money on hard to find, oh.
- 实现高效ZBT SRAM 读写,全文采用VHDL语言-Efficient ZBT SRAM read and write。 text using VHDL
- 包括主成分分析、因子分析、贝叶斯分析,采用的是通用的平面波展开法,合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真。- Including principal component analysis, factor analysis, Bayesian analysis, Using common plane wave expansion method, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target.
- 是Google提供的一个图片管理程序;用户可以借助于该程序,在数秒钟内找到自己计算机上的图片,加以编辑并进行欣赏。-Is provided by a Google image management procedures users through the program, in seconds to find their own pictures on your computer, edit and enjoy.
- Erich Bender Mass moments and graph chart AERO 463/464 Senior Project Mass Moments of Inertia and Stability Chart Reference frame: The moments of inertia will be calculated along a body frame with: - x pointing in the RAM directio
- 解决excel vba startup.xls病毒 这个病毒运行后让原有的VBA代码无法使用。-Solve excel vba startup.xls virus The virus is running so that the original VBA code can not be used.