Number patterns
- c pattern files for learners.
- 将mat文件转化为libsvm的数据文件。直接将.mat文件的数据复制到表格,运行宏即可(Convert the mat file to the data file of the libsvm. Copy the data of the.Mat file directly to the table and run the macro)
- 该工具包是最新版本的pair copula工具厢。可实现高维数据的copula建模,并有时变copula函数可选择。(The toolkit is the latest version of the pair copula toolkit. The copula modeling of high dimensional data can be realized, and sometimes the copula function can be selected.)
- 该工具包是最新版本的pair copula工具包。可实现高维数据的copula建模,并有时变copula函数可选择利用。(The toolkit is the latest version of the pair copula toolkit. The copula modeling of high dimensional data can be realized, and sometimes the copula function can be used.)
- 伪随机相位编码脉冲雷达的信号处理。设码频 02,单位为 MHz,伪码周期内码长为 127,占空比 10%,雷达载频为 10GHz,输入噪声为高斯白噪声。目标模拟分单目标和双目标两种情况,目标回波输入信噪比可变(-35dB~10dB),目标速度可变(0~1000m/s),目标幅度可变(1~100),目标距离可变(0~10000m),相干积累总时宽不大于 10ms。单目标时,给出回波视频表达式;脉压和 FFT后的表达式;仿真 m序列的双值电平循环自相关函数,给出脉压后和 FFT后的输出图形;
- 这是一个基于MFC的基本应用程序,能在窗口中显示一行字你好,亲爱的读者()
- 针对系统有慢时变干扰,设计慢时变观测器,从而得到滑模控制律(Sliding mode control of slow time-varying disturbance observer)
- 针对具有输出延时的系统,设计输出延时观测器,同时设计滑模控制律(For a system with output delay, an output delay observer is designed and a sliding mode control law is designed.)
- 选择扩张状态观测器来估计状态和未知输入,并计算滑模控制输入(The expansion state observer is selected to estimate the state and the unknown input, and the sliding mode control input is calculated.)
new folder
- Wireless networking is the latest networking technology.Wireless network has few more advantages as compared to the wired Network. In this article I will explain to you comparison between Wireless and Wired network.
- RBF-PID自整定S函数编写;可以使用,欢迎大家来学习。(RBF-PID self tuning S function writing)
- 最近邻法语k近邻法的例子,基于matlab平台,有助于初学者学习。(The recent example of the nearest neighbour approach to French K, based on the MATLAB platform, helps beginners to learn.)