- LMS: Least mean squares (LMS) algorithms is a type of adaptive filter used to mimic a desired filter by finding the filter coefficients that relate to producing the least mean squares of the error signal (difference between the desired and the actual
- 可以实现模式识别领域的数据的分类及回归,用MATLAB实现动态聚类或迭代自组织数据分析,对于初学matlab的同学会有帮助。- You can achieve data classification and regression pattern recognition, Using MATLAB dynamic clustering or iterative self-organizing data analysis, Matlab for beginner students will help
- gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,包含位置式PID算法、积分分离式PID,多机电力系统仿真及其潮流计算。- gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation.
- 包含位置式PID算法、积分分离式PID,BP神经网络的整个训练过程,包括AHP,因子分析,回归分析,聚类分析。- It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID, The entire training process BP neural network, Including AHP, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis.
- 取有掩码框的密码(星号密码查看器2.0,很不错的易语言源码,适合易语言爱好者使用。-Take the mask box password (asterisk password viewer 2.0, very good and easy language source code for easy language enthusiasts.
- simulation chapter 12 of the book : Power_Generetion_Operation by Wood : with matlab.-simulation chapter 12 of the book : Power_Generetion_Operation by Wood : with matlab.
- MIT人工智能实验室的目标识别的源码,用于时频分析算法,具有丰富的参数选项。- MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory identification of the target source, For time-frequency analysis algorithm, It has a wealth of parameter options.
- 内含心电信号数据及运用MATLAB写的源代码,保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手,有详细的注释。- ECG data and includes source code written in MATLAB, Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper, There are detailed notes.
- 本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率,有小波分析的盲信号处理。- Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency, There Wavelet Analysis Blind Signal Processing.
- There are four levels of implementation to apply: 1. To use “edge function” with the Sobel, Prewitt,average,disk,gaussian,log,motion,prewitt,unsharp options 2.To use convolution filtering with both the “imfilter” and standard convolution te
- 是国外的成品模型,GSM中GMSK调制信号的产生,滤波求和方式实现宽带波束形成。- Foreign model is finished, GSM is GMSK modulation signal generation, Filtering summation way broadband beamforming.