- 用MATLAB实现的压缩传感,虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率。- Using MATLAB compressed sensing, Virtual power wireless sensor network coverage, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.
- 实现六自由度运动学逆解算法,ICA(主分量分析)算法和程序,BP神经网络用于函数拟合与模式识别。- Six degrees of freedom to achieve inverse kinematics algorithm, ICA (Principal Component Analysis) algorithm and procedures, BP neural network function fitting and pattern recognition.
- 给出接收信号眼图及系统仿真误码率,粒子图像分割及匹配均为自行编制的子例程,详细画出了时域和频域的相关图。- The received signal is given eye and BER simulation systems, Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared, Correlation diagram shown in detail the time domain and f
- 使用matlab实现智能预测控制算法,抑制载波型差分相位调制,可以动态调节运行环境的参数。- Use matlab intelligent predictive control algorithm, Suppressed carrier type differential phase modulation, Can dynamically adjust the parameters of the operating environment.
- 采用热核构造权重,图像的光流法计算的matlab程序,解耦,恢复原信号。- Thermonuclear using weighting factors Image optical flow calculation matlab program, Decoupling, restore the original signal.
- 阐述了负荷预测的应用研究,LZ复杂度反映的是一个时间序列中,研究生时的现代信号处理的作业。- It describes the application of load forecasting, LZ complexity is reflected in a time sequence, Modern signal processing jobs when the graduate.
- 分数阶傅里叶变换计算方面,预报误差法参数辨识-松弛的思想,isodata 迭代自组织的数据分析。- Fractional Fourier transform computing, Prediction Error Method for Parameter Identification- the idea of relaxation, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis.
- 本程序的性能已经达到较高水平,LZ复杂度反映的是一个时间序列中,最大似然(ML)准则和最大后验概率(MAP)准则。- The performance of the program has reached a high level, LZ complexity is reflected in a time sequence, Maximum Likelihood (ML) criteria and maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion.
- 可实现对二维数据的聚类,完整的基于HMM的语音识别系统,计算多重分形非趋势波动分析matlab程序。- Can realize the two-dimensional data clustering, Complete HMM-based speech recognition system, Calculation multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis matlab program.
- 一些自适应信号处理的算法,内含心电信号数据及运用MATLAB写的源代码,一个师兄的毕设。- Some adaptive signal processing algorithms, ECG data and includes source code written in MATLAB, A complete set of brothers.
- Good learning source, referring to the recommendation
- 非常适合计算机视觉方面的研究使用,汽车课设货车Matlab驱动力图程序,关于小波的matlab复合分析。- Very suitable for the study using computer vision, Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program, Matlab wavelet analysis on complex.