- qiuzhibaodian 国内外通信行业求职宝典
- Test_imul Test imul extends Dx Test Case Source Code for Linux.
- Organize-the-employee This a simple C++ code to organizing employees. Through this code
- WindModel-master Traditional fire detection algorithms mainly rely on hot spot detection using thermal infrared (TIR) channels with fixed or contextual thresholds. Three solar reflectance channels (0.65 μm
- FWSFJP54 对rc4 and xxtea的运行时间进行了对比()
- 18 网上商城 WAP APP 微信商城 多站合一 通过网上商店系统后台的所属站点设置
- 图论算法及其MATLAB实现 + 源代码_王海英_北航_2010-Graph theory algorithm and MATLAB+ source _ katerina _ buaa _2010
Source code
- 在opencv上实现双目测距主要步骤是: 1.双目校正和标定,获得摄像头的参数矩阵: 进行标定得出俩摄像头的参数矩阵 cvStereoRectify 执行双目校正 initUndistortRectifyMap 分别生成两个图像校正所需的像素映射矩阵 cvremap 分别对两个图像进行校正 2.立体匹配,获得视差图: stereoBM生成视差图 预处理: 图像归一化,减少亮度差别,增强纹理 匹配过程: 滑动sad窗口,沿着水平线进行匹配搜索,由于校正后左右图片平行,左图
- 基于Visual Studio的智能日历开发,窗口设计合理,功能丰富,可扩展性强。-Smart Calendar Visual Studio development based on reasonable window design, feature-rich, scalable.
- 可以实现基于形态学的高光谱图像分类,中山大学李军教授的(Hyperspectral image classification based on morphology can be achieved, Professor Li Jun from Zhongshan University.)
- 《思考的力量:批判性思考成就卓越人生》是一本个人管理、个人能力提升类图书。作者认为,思考决定命运。在当今物欲横流的世界,批判性思考是理性人士的明智选择(75 / 5000 " the power of thinking: critical thinking to achieve Excellence in life" is a personal management, personal ability to improve books. The author believe
- unity不能直接调用指南针,所以unity中做出简易指南针,导出手机。(realize compass in unity5)
- 用于将txt格式数据,转换为.dat格式的数据,便于CASS处理。-Txt format for the data is converted to. Dat format, easy CASS processing.
- 命令行状态下判断一个文件是否为MP3文件。如果是MP3文件,则读取其中的信息,包括名称、专辑、歌手等信息-To judge if it is a mp3 file in command line.
- 膀胱的一个分割结果显示,利用marchingcubes和opengl-A segmentation of the bladder, to utilize marchingcubes and opengl
- 采用QT编的控件布局的练习,并且包含多窗口-QT series using exercise control layout, and includes multi-window
- sdram控制器的设计,包括 :初始化、刷新模块、读写模块、命令解析模型的编写,通多串口发送接收数据验证设计的正确性(The design of SDRAM controller includes initialization, refresh module, read and write module, command parsing model, and the correctness of data verification design by sending and receiving
- SPRD-NPI-USB-Driver\production-line-version\amd64\dpinst.exe