- 输出字符雨,效果类似黑客帝国中的字符雨,若提示缺少graphics.h(Easyx)头文件,请到这里下载:www.easyx.cn -The output character rain, the effect is similar to the characters in the Matrix rain, suggest a lack of header files graphics.h (Easyx), please go to here to download: www.easyx.cn
- 学习单片机的提升资料,有助于学习者提高制作水平-Enhance learning microcontroller information, help learners to improve production level
- 测量断面绘制宏,用于绘制横断面图,也可从横断面图中提取坐标数据。-Measuring cross-section with the draw macro
- 问题:输入超过计算机表达范围的两个整数相加。方法:先输入两个字符数组存储两个大数,再将字符数组转化成整形数组,将两个整数数组从低位开始相加,有进位则高位加1,以此类推,最终得出两个大数相加的结果。-Question: input exceeds the the computer expression range of the two integer addition. Methods: First, enter the two character array to store two large
- 基于OFDM的接收机部分,关于插入导频和训练序列的对比-pilot insert, PN insert, channel estimation based on DTMB
- 问题:把单链表改为双向循环链表 方法:先建立单链表;再在单链表基础上建立双向循环链表。-Question: single linked list to two-way circular linked list: 1, create a single linked list 2, to establish a two-way circular linked list in a single linked list based on.
- Simulink file is contains the basic library files of the simulink tools with example demo. This blocks are very useful to do the valuable simulink file and also get the results.
- 基于51单片机和DS18B20测温,数码管显示并与上位机通信,利用串口助手可直接显示测得的温度-51 And DS18B20 temperature measurement, digital tube display and the use of serial communication with the host computer, aides can be directly measured the temperature
- DSp wavelet program was devoped by the Matlab and given to this site for ur reference. This file is ,ost importrant one incase of wavelet file.
- 模拟示波器的运行,有正弦、方波、三角波等,直接点击界面按钮就可以了(TC2.0)-The operation of the analog oscilloscope, sine, square, triangle wave, direct click interface button (TC2.0)
- DSP Fixed point algorithms is used in this wwork. This work is very narrow and same time committement will be solved with new algorithms technique of econmic dispatch.
- Such an intense field is enough to pull the electrons out of the valence band of the stable atoms. Such a creation of free electrons is called zener effect. These minority carriers constitute very large current and the mechanism