- 产生线性调频信号以及均匀脉冲截断的线性调频信号,并分别生成频谱-It generates the lfmcw signal and the lfmcw signal modulated by the uniform pulse sequence, and it also generates the frequency attribution of the two signals.
- petri net toolbox for matlab
- petri net toolbox in matlab.
- very useful robust control codes in matlab.
- Exercise 8: Arrays 1. Write a program that reads ten numbers supplied by the user into a single subscr ipted array, and then prints out the average of them. 2. Write a program that reads ten numbers supplied by the user into a 2 by 5 arr
- Exercise 9: More Arrays 1. Write a program that enters 5 names of towns and their respective distance (an integer) from London in miles. The program will print of the names of the towns that are less than 100 miles from London. Use arrays and ch
- Exercise 10: Pointers 1. Write a program that reads 5 integers into an array, and then uses four different methods of accessing the members of an array to print them out in reverse order. 2. Write a program that reads 8 floats into an array
- Exercise 11: Files 1. Write a program that enters the name and the annual salary of 5 employees from the keyboard, calculates the monthly salary of each employee assuming that tax is deducted at a flat rate of 20 . The program prints the name, t
- 用C语言写的扑克牌游戏,扑克游戏为七鬼五二三扑克牌游戏-Poker game for the seven ghost 5 23 poker game poker game written in C language,
- 实现对激光自混合干涉的仿真,对各个参数的仿真都可以实现。但性能不是很好。-Laser self-mixing interference simulation, simulation of the various parameters can be achieved. But the performance is not very good.
- 《ArcGIS Engine开发从入门到精通》源代码,基于C#。 对于进行AE二次开发的人很有帮助-ArcGIS Engine Development from entry to the master source code in C#. Helpful for people who work on AE secondary development
- 阵列信号波达方向的估计,程序运行是成功的。-DOA estimates