- NS2网络仿真软件下无线物理层的实现源码,NS2 network simulation software under the realization of wireless physical layer source
- 一个用Delphi开发的局域网IM软件,个人认为是个不错的软件.,VB2005 developed a local area network using IM software, personally think that is a good software.
- 自己做的基于jpcap+winpcap的,基于arp协议的,获得局域网存活主机程序,jpcap+winpcap arp
- IP数据包流量统计,统计局域网内一台指定主机在指定时间内的IP流量信息。,IP packet flow statistics, statistical local area network within a designated host a specified period of time the IP flow information.
Socket Demo 客户端和服务器端发送数据包的测试代码
- 开发的一个客户端和服务器端发送数据包的测试代码。-Development of a client and server-side code to send the test packets.
基于wide-dhcpv6开发的dhcpv6 server
- 基于wide-dhcpv6开发的dhcpv6 server 代码清晰,便于学习-DHCPv6 is a stateful address autoconfiguration protocol for IPv6, a counterpart to IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration protocol. It can either be used independently or it can coexist with its cou
tcp_socket 采用c++编程,通过socket方式
- 采用c++编程,通过socket方式,基于tcp连接的简单通信,很实用,能实现socket具有的基本功能。-The c++ programming, through the socket way, based on TCP connection simple communication, is very practical, can realize the basic function of socket has.
- EPOLL ,ACE OCCI等组合编程,适合大并发数网络数据处理-epoll ace OCCE connection pool and so on
- linux下建立L2TP的超好用工具,使用简单,比openl2tp要容易上手的多。-linux under the super useful tool to establish L2TP, use simple, easy to use than openl2tp to more.
md5 hmac-md5改进版(支持中文)
- hmac-md5改进版(支持中文) 易宝采用hmac-md5加密,目前纯ASP版的都不支持中文,为此专门做了改进。代码大为简化,从17K精简到9K。 调用方法:HmacMd5(text,key)-加密内容支持中文,但key最好用非中文的。 md5(text)-简版,ASP_MD5(text)-标准版 -improved version hmac-md5 (support Chinese) Epro hmac-md5 encrypted using the curr
hongjing 易语言写的红色警戒刷钱挂
- 易语言写的红色警戒刷钱挂,主要针对新手学习如何修改内存地址。-Red Alert is easy language to write proficient hanging, mainly for novices to learn how to modify the memory address.
Lansan 局域网扫描工具VC2005源代码
- 局域网扫描工具VC2005源代码,局域网扫描,VC实现。支持跨网段扫描。-Source code scanning tools VC2005 LAN, LAN scanning, VC achieve. Support cross-segment scan.