- 本文将介绍 JDesktop Integration Components (JDIC),这是一个开源的项目,目的是构建消除本机应用程序和 Java 等价物之间差距的组件。JDIC 单一的 Java API 允许应用程序接进本机操作系统特性,同时保持跨平台支持。 更多信息 >-JDesktop Integration Components (Eclipse), which is an open-source project aimed at the elimination of the m
- 修改QQ通讯端口,解除局域网上QQ限制.(转择)-changes QQ communications ports, LAN lifting restrictions on QQ. (Optional switch)
- 上传文件夹代码的实现 实现文件夹的上传,遍历文件夹树-folder upload code to achieve the realization of the upload folder, the folder tree traversal
- 可显示本站浏览总人数、今日浏览总人数、昨日浏览总人数、 本月浏览总人数、上月浏览总人数、开站至今天、平均一日人数 -site visit will show that the total number, the total number of View today, the total number of yesterday's visit this month the total number of View, View on the total number of stations
- 1、使用ASP.Net(c#)、三层结构开发; 2、全部代码都由手写完成,经IE6和FireFox1.1测试,界面良好; 3、程序结构紧凑、设计新颖、速度优越; 4、“分类+版面”方式二级目录设置; 5、符合目前流行的各种论坛的皮肤模式,可以穿各种论坛的外套; 6、在线情况统计、浏览者跟踪统计精确; 7、核心稳定,可扩展性良好; 8、即时换风格的功能。-1, the use of ASP.Net (c #), a three-tier structure
- 招商银行网络接口程序,轻松在你的软件中实现网络支付功能-This is Merchants Bank netwrok interface program.
- pop收邮件程序,用C#开发,很好用。 全源代码。-pop resumption mail procedures, using C# development, good use. All source code.
- gcj java applet的web browser 插件,可替代jre 安装步骤: ./configure make make install -gcj web browser plug-in, alternative jre installation steps :. / Configure make make install
- 自已写的水印控件的制作,xml设置文字与大小透明,简短易懂,可以自己修改-own write the watermark controls the production, xml set text size and transparent, understandable short, can change their
- the Yider is an open source VBscr ipt spider that allows you to quickly add a search system to your site like the one at the top of this page. It stores data in a Microsoft Access or SQL 2000 database with full text searching. The Yider does not requ
- C#写的一个搜索引擎,可以搜索、建立索引等。building a simple search engine that crawls the file system from a specified folder, and indexing all HTML (or other types) of documents. A basic design and object model was developed as well as a query/results page-C# to write
- 一个小的QQ防毒系统 竟请大家下载使用 我想大家会喜欢的-a small QQ antivirus system was downloaded Please use I think you will like