- LazyCMS是一个小巧灵活、性能卓越、功能丰富的网站管理系统。 LazyCMS提供了一种快速简便的方法来建设一个专业网站,无论是小型企业或跨国公司,网站建设就是这样简单。 为什么选择LazyCMS? -LazyCMS is a small, flexible, high-performance, feature-rich website management system. LazyCMS provides a quick and easy way to build a professiona
- 酒方查询,简易的PHP程序,呆要空间支持PHP,直接上传即可访问。-Wine side query, simple PHP program, to stay space to support PHP, you can directly access to upload.
- 厦门城市天气预报PHP程序,数据来源是中国天气(weather.com.cn),内容包括厦门天气预报、明日厦门生活指数和当天厦门天气调用。-Xiamen city weather forecast PHP program, the data source is China weather (weather.com.cn), including Xiamen weather, Xiamen, Xiamen tomorrow, the weather index of life and the da
- 一个比较好用的php数据库操作的一个类,简单使用,适合初学者学习php+mysql编程使用。-A relatively easy to use php operation of a class, simple to use, suitable for beginners to learn php+ mysql programming use.
- 剖度小说模块完全脱离了插件的范围,它类似房产模块。更像一个频道(比如亲子频道等) 使用剖度小说模块完全不用修改数据库.一键全自动安装!全面支持伪静态,非常方便搜索引擎的收录! -Section novel module completely out of the scope of the plug-in, it is similar to the real estate module. More like a channel (such as parent-child channel, etc.
- 漠岚博客功能介绍 1:搜索关键词高亮显示 2:文章发布,关键词,分类 3:文章留言,留言板 0.3.2更新 修正后台表单不能提交的问题 增加缓存机制 -Mo Lan blog features 1: search keywords highlighted 2: article, keyword, category 3: article message, message board 0.3.2 update the background form can not submit the proble
- LANUX V1.0 蓝脑商务网站系统 适用于网店、公司宣传自己的品牌和产品。 系统在代码、页面方面设计简约,浏览和后台管理操作效率高。 此版本带可见即可得的html编辑器, 方便直观添加和编辑要发布的内容。-LANUX V1.0 blue brain business website system for online shop, the company to promote their own brands and products. System in the code, page des
- Isay是一个简单的笔记程序,是我在学习php过程中的一个练习程序。 平时,有很多的零碎信息需要记录,在电脑里保存n个文件似乎不是很方便,查找起来也不方便。所有基于此,我写了这样一个小的程序。-Isay is a simple notebook program, I was learning php process of a practice procedure. Usually, there are a lot of fragmented information needs to be rec
- 系统基于PHP+MYSQL技术独立开发的客户关系管理系统,是一款精简的客户关系管理系统,主要包含客户的基本信息和服务内容。-System is based on PHP+ MYSQL technology independent development of customer relationship management system, is a streamlined customer relationship management system, including the basic c
- 新浪爱问知识人小偷天宇试用版V3.0 v3.0版本更新: 1.新增首页分类列表调用条数 2.新增缓存功能 3.新增全站伪原创 4.自定义二级目录功能 5.自定义内容页名称功能 -V3.0 v3.0 version update: 1. Added the first category list of the number of calls 2. New cache function 3. Added new pseudo-original station 4. Custom secondary
- PHP+jQuery 可拖动的Ajax购物车实例,带有提示功能的商品展示,用鼠标拖动商品到购物车中,即可选中商品,购物车程序可根据拖入的产品数量进行统计,自动给出价格。-PHP+ jQuery can drag the Ajax shopping cart example, with a reminder of the goods displayed with the mouse drag the goods to the shopping cart, you can the goods, s
- Ora企业建站系统内置模板引擎,支持代码分离,内置多种缓存机制,有效提高了页面响应时间,支持多种数据库(目前仅有Mysql数据库驱动类),支持3种路由(URL)模式 -Ora enterprise website system built-in template engine, support code separation, built-in multiple cache mechanism, effectively improve the page response time, suppor