- LPAS相册系统 是一套采用 PHP+TXT 环境运行的高速、易用、简洁的单用户免费图片管理系统。该系统经过多次升级,已经拥有较为完善的功能、安全成熟的系统架构、广泛的用户群体。-LPAS photo album system is a PHP+ TXT environment running high-speed, easy to use, simple single-user free image management system. The system after several upg
- 一个招生管理系统,可共大家下载学习,-An enrollment management system, we can download a total of learning, thank you!
- DEDE会员后台带推广插件,带签到功能,查看-DEDE members inserted into the background with promotion
- 确实做了好久的准备,熬过了多个春天的夜晚,才做出了STCMS 音乐系统 V2.0。以前的那么多个版本,总是出这样或那样的错误,在总结了之前错误原因后,重新规划,开发了这个版本的音乐系统。-Did a long time to prepare, get through a number of spring night, before making a STCMS music system V2.0. Previously so many versions, always out of this o
- NetMao影视系统是一套采用PHP+MYSQL数据库方式运行的全新且完善的强大影视系统。经过近三年的经验和技术积累,NetMao 在安全部署上已逐步走向成熟。自创的多项技术使得 NetMao 可以在极为繁忙的服务器环境下快速稳定运行,切实节约网站成本,提升网站品质。-NetMao film and television system is a set of PHP+ MYSQL to run a new and powerful powerful film and television sy
- 无刷新心情投票,可以用到你的新闻、文章系统,调用方法简单,每个IP只有投一次,希望有朋友能用得上,同时也可以学习一下AJAX。这是PHP版本。-No refresh the mood to vote, you can use your news, article system, call the method is simple, each IP only cast once, I hope a friend can be used, but also can learn about AJAX.
- 1、简体、繁体内容互转工具 2、DIV+CSS模板方便修改; 3、免费、开源程序。-1, simplified and traditional content conversion tool 2, DIV+ CSS template to facilitate modification 3, free, open source.
- 围绕领域驱动开发这个思shy 想基础,QeePHP 在下列几个方面改变了传统开发模式: 微内核设计,性能、灵活性、shy 扩展能力的完美解决方案; 无人望其项背的 ActiveRecord,实现了全功能的 ORM,为复杂对象关系的管理shy 提供有力工具;-Around the field-driven development of this thinking want to base, QeePHP in the following aspects changed the tradition
- SimpleID是一个采用PHP开发,简单的个人OpenID提供者。SimpleID能够让你搭建属于自己的OpenID提供者。支持OpenID1.1/2.0。无需数据库支持。-SimpleID is a simple, personal OpenID provider with PHP development. SimpleID allows you to build your own OpenID provider. Support OpenID1.1/2.0. No support req
- PHPDCS是一款开源并提供免费下载的一个在线a记账记事程序。-PHPDCS is an open source billing program that provides free downloads.
- 我写的php模版类,调用方法简单,支持if else include之类的标签, 可以包含扩展函数,整个模版文件没有外部include和require,减少io操作, 加载三个模版变量,两个数组变量,比smarttemplate快平均2-3毫秒.-I wrote the php template class, call the method is simple to support if else include such labels, can contain extended functio
- 小小菜刀编辑器2.0 不同于1.0版是参考了网上众多的编辑器自主开发的一款轻量级编辑器。 兼容IE6.0 、IE7.0、Mozilla Firefox、Google Chrome-Small chopper editor 2.0 is different the 1.0 version is a reference to a large number of online editor of a lightweight editor. Compatible with IE6.0, IE7