- 文摘汇是专门收集经典网络笑话,幽默段子,幽默短信,搞笑图片,励志名言,励志故事,原创文摘,中国传统歇后语,成语,谜语,幽默短信于一体的网络化开放平台。-Abstracts collection is a network-based open platform that collects classic network jokes, humorous scr ipts, humorous messages, funny pictures, inspirational quotes, inspira
- XIU主题是一款清新扁平风格、13种颜色、多设备支持、SEO优化、各种提速优化的Wordpress主题.-XIU theme is a fresh flat style, 13 colors, multi-device support, SEO optimization, a variety of speed optimization Wordpress theme.
- 首先说下这款主题从截图来看是做个人分享类的站点,易秀购主题网也是很喜欢这种有个性并且清新的主题,有兴趣的童鞋可以利用这款主题来做分享一些喜欢的音乐或者文字的确是个不错的选择,总是看惯了那些花哨的分享站偶尔看看这种清新的小站也是别有一番风味的-First of all say that this theme the screenshot point of view is to do personal sharing class site, easy to buy theme network is
- 图片在线转Base64编码,转换后获得类似data:image/{type} base64的格式,程序支持.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.bmp-Image online to Base64 encoding, converted to a similar data: image/{type} base64 format, the program supports. Png,. Jpg,. Jpeg,. Gif,.
- 1、主题安装即能使用,简单设置效果和本站一样,可协助安装好;2、首页logo、广告位、文字大小、颜色、边栏、按钮、页脚、均可DIY;-2, Home logo, advertising, text size, color, sidebar, buttons, footer, can be DIY 1, the theme of the installation that can be used to set the effect and the same site, can help inst
- 易秀购主题网分享一款wordpress灰色主题,看惯了其他花色的主题,反而这种灰色色调的主题更抢眼了,该主题是单栏图片可以做博客主题,也可以做分享类的,作者也设置了图片自动变成黑白色,纯黑白风格,鼠标悬停后变为彩色-The theme is a single column picture can do blog theme, you can also do the sharing class, the author of the theme of the theme of the gray co
- 苹果CMS7.x免费手机模版,请使用手机浏览演示网站体验效果,界面很不错哦-Apple CMS7.x free cell phone template, please use the mobile phone to browse the demo site experience results, the interface is very good oh
- 通过雪箭淘客机器人可以轻松地完成繁琐的商品添加任务。只需提供一个商品关键词,机器人就能自动为你获取商品并发布到你的网站,如果你服务器速度还行的话,这一个过程仅需几秒钟。-Through the Snow Arrow Taobao robot can easily complete the cumbersome task of adding goods. Just provide a product keyword, the robot will be able to automatically
- 解压 >打开config.php配置网站信息 >把文件夹上传到空间目录(可安装在任意目录)-Unzip-> open config.php configuration site information-> upload the folder to the space directory (which can be installed in any directory)
- 这个插件直接覆盖官方版本的文件就行了 注意哦 覆盖前一定要做好备份呢 这是必须的哦!-This plug-in direct coverage of the official version of the document on the list Oh attention must be covered before the backup? This is a must!
- 首页、电视剧、电影、动漫、筛选页、内容页、播放页、搜索联想、观看记录等功能-Home, TV series, movies, anime, screening page, content page, play page, search Lenovo, viewing history and other functions
- 树洞外链是一款免费开源的PHP外链网盘系统,界面简洁友好,支持阿里云OSS、又拍云、七牛、本地、远程五种储存方式,支持多用户系统。-Tree outside the chain is a free open-source PHP outside the chain network system, the interface is simple and friendly, support Ali cloud OSS, and shoot clouds, seven cattle, local, r