- SDCMS企业版主要包含:文章、单图、商品、招聘、下载、单页、外链、定时发布、手机版、自定义字段、自定义表单等模块,系统内置评论,留言,心情,搜索,标签,7年企业网站建设经验为您精心打造,是您快速建立中小营销型企业网站的良好选择。-SDCMS Enterprise mainly contains: articles, Single Image, commodities, recruitment, download, single page, outside the chain, time rel
- 该软件是以asp+access进行开发的绿色中英双语企业网站系统。-The software is based on asp+ access for development of green bilingual corporate website system.
- 具备传统企业网站基本、高级用户交互功能;(公司介绍、新闻、产品、案例、下载、营销网络、客户留言、人才、订单、会员、站内搜索、邮件订阅等);-Traditional corporate website with basic, advanced user interaction (company, news, products, cases, downloads, marketing network, Feedback, Search talent, order, membership, stat
- 雷速工资查询系统财政局版适用对象:需要为行政事业单位工作人员提供收入在线查询的县区级财政部门。-Ray-speed version finance bureau wage query system applies to: the need to provide county-level fiscal revenue department online inquiries for administrative staff and institutions.
- 安装此织梦dedecms模块之后,在发布文章的顶部会出现采集器控制面板,输入关键词或者网址智能采集内容到您的发布编辑框里面,具有易学,易懂,易用,成熟稳定等特性,是一款织梦dedecms新手站长和网站编辑必备的模块。-After you install this weaving dreams dedecms module at the top of the article will be published collection control panel, enter a keyword or
- TinyShop电子商务系统支付插件是以tinyshop1.7版本为基础进行开发的网站支付宝插件系统。-TinyShop e-commerce payment system plug is tinyshop1.7 version as the basis for development of the site Alipay plug-in system.
- PHP云人才系统是一个采用 PHP 和 MySQL 数据库构建的高效开源的人才与企业求职招、聘解决方案,在尊重版权的前提下能极大的满足站长对于网站程序进行二次开发。PHP云人才系统作为一款拥有自主知识产权的中文人才运营系统,力争为给众多的地方门户、行业人才提供一个易用、功能强大的人才系统。-PHP cloud personnel system is a PHP and MySQL open source to build an efficient job recruit talent and
- 企业通讯录管理系统,向企业员工随时随地的提供企业通讯录信息,用户可在手机端实时查看人员联系方式,拨打电话等全面提高了企业内部沟通效率。 -Corporate address book management system to provide corporate address book information to employees anytime, anywhere, users can view real-time mobile terminal personnel contacts,
- 昱杰订单管理系统包含了订单模块、下单模块和系统模块3个部分,软件具有下单和订单查看等功能。-Yujie order management system includes line modules, single modules and system modules three parts, with a single software to view and order functions.
- 乐尚商城系统,是一项基于PHP+MYSQL为核心开发的一套免费 + 开源专业商城系统。软件具执行效率高、模板自由切换、后台管理功能方便等诸多优秀特点。-Le Shang mall system is a core based on PHP+ MYSQL development of a free open source+ professional mall system. Software with high efficiency, templates are free to switch, e
- IMGCMS图片管理系统-是一款专注针对于图片类网站开发的一套CMS管理程序.采用最高效PHP+MYSQL架构,可在不同的平台上运行(Windows、Linux、Unix).系统专注于访问速度,优化收录等主要因素,来赢取客户的信任,IMGCMS会一直不断完善.欢迎关注IMGCMS的成长.我们会一步一步一点一滴的做出最好的产品.-IMG CMS Image Management System- Is a focus on image sites for the development of a C
- 提供商业产品常用图表,底层基于ZRender(一个全新的轻量级canvas类库),创建了坐标系,图例,提示,工具箱等基础组件,并在此上构建出折线图、柱状图、散点图、K线图、饼图、雷达图、地图、和弦图、力导向布局图、仪表盘以及漏斗图,同时支持任意维度的堆积和多图表混合展现。-Commercial products commonly used charts, based on the underlying ZRender (a new lightweight canvas library), cre