- 采用ASP+XML结构,青春活力的淡蓝色调,可通过配置文件快速修改版面风格,免费提供所需图片的PSD源码,让您更加个性化修改,免费的友情技术支持,针对现在的网络安全,加入了防注入和防跨站攻击代码。-Using ASP+ XML structure, youthful vibrant light blue tone, you can quickly modify the layout style through the configuration file, free PSD source cod
- 书生下载 v5.5 管理系统潇湘在线美化版(绿色风格) 管理登录入口login.asp 初始管理员用户名:admin 初始管理密码:admin-(Download) v5.5 management system Xiaoxiang online beautification version (green style) management login login.asp initial administrator user name: admin initial management passw
- 改用v2.08 Beta 1上传算法,对大文件上传效率更高、占服务器资源更小; 突破IIS v6.0默认200K大小限制,解决虚拟主机用户不能更改IIS配置的尴尬-The use of v2.08 Beta 1 upload algorithm for large files upload more efficient, accounting for smaller server resources break IIS v6.0 default 200K size limit to solv
- 纯Javascr ipt打造的ASP上传组件,支持多文件上传、进度条、数据库存放和文件系统存放-Javascr ipt to create pure ASP upload components to support multi-file upload, the progress of the storage and file system storage
- 一个ASP文件实现文件上传,支持文件扩展名检查,支持同名文件自动重命名 ,支持上传文件夹检查,自动创建上传文件夹-An ASP file to achieve file upload, support for file extension checks to support the same name automatically rename files to support upload folder check, automatically create the upload folder
- 拥有动网论坛的基本功能,用户注册,发帖,顶帖,置顶,版主设定,栏目设定,IP锁定,在线统计等-Has the basic function of the dynamic network forum, user registration, posting, top posts, Zhiding, moderator settings, column settings, IP lock, online statistics, etc.
- 功能: 1.添加单个成绩 2.批量添加成绩 3.通过搜索并修改与删除 4.直接修改 5.可以批量删除 6.可以直接GO到达你想到达的页 7.分页显示 后台:login.asp 管理用户:25175 管理密码:25175-Features: 1. Add a single achievement 2. Batch add grades 3. Through the search and modify and delete 4. Directly modify 5. Can be deleted i
- 25175版本说明:D代码大学院校版 X代码中小学版 P代表培训机构版 /user_login.asp 同学录登陆接口(账号,密码,验证码,COOKIES,) /Registration.asp 同学注册 /main.asp 系统信息设置-25175 Edition: D code University College Edition X code primary and secondary version of P on behalf of the training institutions
- 1级无权限,2级发贴图,3级发特效字,4级看级别,5级支持HTML权限,6级看 IP,7级踢人,8级升降级(7级以内,含7级),加分,删除留言薄留言,9级超级管理。-1 level without permission, 2 hair stickers, 3 hair special effects word, 4 to see the level, 5 to support HTML permissions, 6 to see IP, 7 kicking, 8 downgrade (7 or
- 支持分类聊天,公私聊天,支持表情,自动手动刷屏! 显示在线人员!-Support classification chat, public and private chat, support facial expressions, automatic manual scraper! Show online staff!
- 开放模式可以让网友自由在线签写日记,且显示签写着的姓名-Open mode allows users to free online signing diary, and display the signed name
- 《爱萍留言系统》英文全名《LovingPing Book》简称《LP Book》,原《秋忆工作室留言本》,是由秋忆工作室(Skymean.Com)开发编写的一个安全、快速、稳定、功能强大的留言系统。- Aiping message system full name in English, LovingPing Book referred to as LP Book , the original Qiuyi studio message book (Skymean.Com) dev