- PHP jquery实现瀑布流布局,其实一个核心的原理是,当滚动到最底部以上100像素时, 加载新内容。为了保证大家能够充分理解瀑布流的实现原理,就尽量保证了实例的简单性,这款瀑布流仅仅使用了php数组作为瀑布流所加载的内容,没有数据表文件-PHP jquery to achieve waterfall layout, in fact, a core principle is that when the scroll to the bottom of the above 100 pixels,
- 更具杀伤力的是网站不需要几十上百G的空间就可以发布电影!因为电影都是直接使用迅雷链接和电驴链接直接播放的。不需要存储视频文件。可以大大节省空间!-More lethal site does not require dozens of G of space can release movies! Because the movie is directly linked to the use of Thunder and eDonkey link directly to play. No need
- 亚马逊分类目录1.0版本程序采用35分类目录的基础上二次开发升级,在排版上做了较大的改变,网站程序为PHP+MYSQL,该版本亚马逊分类目录为v1.0免费版。网站用户支持QQ登录,网站系统支持伪静态。该程序适合用作网站分类目录、网站收录、网址导航等。-Amazon Category Catalog 1.0 version of the program using 35 categories based on the secondary development of the upgrade, in
- 风格名称: 周末设计都市门户D8,模板优质、低价!用心设计、用心服务!售后:提供免费安装调试一次、免费使用指导、免费更新升级等服务!-Style name: Weekly design city portal D8, template quality, low price! Careful design, intentions! Aftermarket: provide free installation and debugging time, free use of guidance, fre
- 此系统为您提供百度贴吧自动签到功能,不限制用户关注的吧。系统结构简单,部署方便,签到效率高,任何人都能独立搭建自己的云签到平台。源代码未加密且有详细注释,利于以后的维护和二次开发。-This system provides you with Baidu Post Bar automatic check-in function, does not limit the user s attention. System structure is simple, easy to deploy, sign
- KT听书网KT有声小说网源码,集成了优秀的小说CMP播放器和KT小说联盟的采集插件,资源丰富。-KT listen to book network KT sound novel network source code, integrates excellent novel CMP player and KT novel collection of plug-ins, rich in resources.
- crossphp开发框架是一个简洁高效,轻量易扩展的PHP5.3+ 开发框架。-Crossphp development framework is a simple and efficient, lightweight and easy to expand PHP5.3+ development framework.
- a wrong watermark (it should not be revealed) [z,Sz] = wm_detection(corrupted_image,randn(size(x)),L,alfa) results: the corruped image is the watermarked image? disp( Test results: ) if z >= Sz disp( Watermarked imag
- 基于老版修改完善,修复了bug及若干其他问题.源码包不到300k,马上就到羊年春节了,值得拥有!-Based on the old version of the revised and improved, bug fixes and a number of other issues. Source package less than 300k, immediately to the Year of the New Year, it is worth owning!
- 上传模板文件到对应的目录,有重复就覆盖,新站不用担心,老站,特别是有重要数据的站,请事先本地测试本模板或提前备份网站!-Upload the template file to the corresponding directory, there is a repeat on the cover, the new station do not worry, the old station, especially the important data of the station, please t
- 本程序可以查询“全国企业食品生产许可证信息”,也就是俗称QS。程序无需更新,自动获取最新信息。直接放在php目录下即可使用,无需MYSQL支持。表单提交界面暂时没有添加数据验证,以后会更新,源码底部的版权信息禁止删除。-This program can query the national enterprise food production license information , which is commonly known as QS. The program does not ne
- php+Txt多用途查询系统,这是个通用查询系统,灵活支持你的二维数据(N行N列,所有内容可以自定义)。可以广泛用于各种查询系统如成绩查询,工资查询,物业费查询,录取查询,证书查询等。-Php+ Txt multi-purpose query system, which is a common query system, flexible support for your two-dimensional data (N rows and N columns, all content can be