- 支持邮寄/回复/编辑信息,可设置个人信息、个人论坛、用户和匿名邮件、讨论主题等,通过提交或其它的特殊的顺序排队用户,可定义管理,排队等功能,具有很高的可配置性,能够完全定制出相当个性化的论坛。-Support the post/reply/edit information, you can set up personal information, personal forums and anonymous e-mail, discussion topics, etc., by submittin
- 国外开源DIGG程序,比较简洁,支持多语言,支持评论、RSS等-DIGG foreign open-source program, is relatively simple, multi-language support, support for comments, RSS, etc.
- Web RTC,基于Firfox和Chrome浏览器可以实现语音和视频通话的源程序-Web RTC, a tool to have audio or video call by Firefox or Chrome Browser.
- PHPSQL就是用PHP编写的基本文本储存数据的使用SQL语言控制的数据库系统。-Control using SQL language PHP SQL system written in PHP is a basic text for storing data.
- 一个能够显示主机系统信息的PHP脚本。包括:主机名,所用操作系统及内核版本,计算机运行时间,CPU,内存,SCSI设备,IDE设备,PCI设备和网络适配器,硬盘使用情况等信息。-Capable of displaying a PHP scr ipt host system information. Comprising: a host name, the operating system and kernel version, computer uptime, CPU, memory, SCSI
- 在民间偏方Ver 1.0的基础上修补添加了部分偏方和源码!希望大家能够喜欢!-On the basis of folk remedies Ver 1.0 on the repair and add some recipe source! Hope you will enjoy it!
- 天空网络电影系统(简称 SKYUC!)是一个采用 PHP语言和MYSQL数据库构建的高效影院解决方案。作为商业软件产品,SKYUC! 在代码质量、运行效率、负载能力、安全等级、功能可操控性和权限严密性、效率最优化和负载能力最佳化设计等方面都在广大用户中有良好的口碑。-Sky Movies Network System (SKYUC!) Is a high-efficiency cinema PHP language and MYSQL construction solutions. As a
- 友邻php(全称是:友邻php电子商务应用程序(php))是一套能够帮助用户,快速建立高效、多功能电子商务网站的php应用程序. -Neighbor php (full name: neighbor php e-commerce applications (php)) is a program which helps users to quickly establish a highly efficient, multi-functional e-commerce website php app
- ULCMS(unlimited cms)有如下特点: 1. 开放源代码(open source),简洁易用; 2. 内容页面生成静态HTML; 3. 支持多级分类; 4. 后台整合Discuz 6、PHPWind 6论坛通行证设置; 5. 整合所见即所得编辑器UBB、FCKEditor及Tinymce;-ULCMS (unlimited cms) has the following characteristics: 1. Open Source (open source), simple to
- 一款基于PHP的网络日记程序。 WikyBlog支持: 多用户的 BLOG,每个用户的BLOG都可用简单的URL访问,很像 del.icio.us 的用户URL访问方式,BLOG 的书写语法与 Mediawiki 一致,支持 Tags 文章分类,便于查找相关文章,支持 AJAX。-A PHP-based online diary program. WikyBlog Support: multi-user BLOG, BLOG are available to each user s access
- 程序语言 php,优化了很多细节,使速度快了很多,使用本程序只需php空间既可 无数据库支持需要,自动让你空间成为代理服务器, 全部程序大小49.1kb(非小偷程序完全开源)-Php programming language, optimized many details that make a lot faster, use the Program only php space can not support the needs of , you automatically make spac
- WordPress 是一个注重美学、易用性和网络标准的个人信息发布平台.WordPress 虽为免费的开源软件,但其价值是无法用金钱来衡量.-WordPress is a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability of personal publishing platform .WordPress Although the free open-source software, but its value can not be measur