- 当打开网页时,页面中左侧就自然地显示出一个悬浮的菜单,在网页的中间部位,无CSS,纯JS打造的左侧列表,无论是自己使用还是用来学习,都是非常不错的。-When you open the page, the page on the left shows a natural floating menu, in the middle of the page, no CSS, JS list on the left to create a pure, either their own use or fo
- 大陆仔天气预报是一个纯JS版的天气预报,调用了新浪的天气预报接口实现。-Continental Aberdeen weather forecast is a pure JS version of the weather forecast, the weather forecast called Sina interface.
- 万年历:目前互联网上存在的万年历大多不兼容firefox等浏览器,本站推出的万年历兼容IE/Firefox/safari/谷歌等主流浏览器。 -Calendar: calendar currently exist on the Internet are mostly not compatible firefox and other browsers, the site launched in calendar compatible IE/Firefox/safari/Google and o
- 当鼠标放入主菜单之上时,马上就横向的显示出了二级菜单栏,这款淡蓝色的二级导航菜单非常不错了,不管是用来学习,还有放到网站的首页上,都非常不错的,适合那些主要以蓝色为主的网站,搭配起来也变好看的。包含PSD源文件。-When the mouse is placed above the main menu, immediately showed two horizontal menu bar, this pale blue secondary navigation menu is very good
- 占卜方法:洗牌的工作我们已经为您做好了,现在请您闭上眼睛、深呼吸、身心神合一地冥想自己中奖的情况,然后张开眼睛再深呼吸一口气,从上面已经洗好的扑克牌中,按照直觉随便选一张牌就可以了。-Divination: shuffling work we have done for you, and now you close your eyes, take a deep breath, body and mind to meditate the unity of God himself winning t
- 本身高体重对照表包括男女最理想的身高体重参考值,健康指数参考,对你现在身体状况的建议,还附加男女19岁-69岁身高体重对照表,简单明了!-Their high weight table including men and women the best reference height and weight, health index reference, your present physical condition of the recommendations, but also additi
- 本国际时间,时区查询源码,简单易用,提供全球超过200个国家当地时间,时区查询,还提供北京时间对照,星期等人性化的应用! 支持IE浏览器,360浏览器,搜狗浏览器,火狐浏览器,谷歌chrome浏览器等主流浏览器,点击即可查询到不同国家的时区,HTML版,无需数据库,上传即可使用!-The international time, time zone query source, easy to use, offers more than 200 countries worldwide local
- 繁体字转换简单大方,支持最基本的转化为简体,转化为繁体,转化为QQ个性繁体(火星文),还提供方便的复制,粘贴,剪切,清空等实用功能,HTML版!-Traditional conversion is simple and elegant, the most basic support into English, translated into Traditional Chinese, Traditional Chinese personality into QQ (Martian), it als
- 汉字转拼音应该是日常用得比较多的一种查询工具,本源码提供超过3000个汉字的转换为拼音,对照方式有:一、单一的汉字转拼音,二、中文对照拼音,提供符号设置,包括有保留中文标点符号、保留字母和回车符号、中文字之间加空,还有人性化的复制,粘贴,清空等功能!-Pinyin should be daily with more than a query tool, this source provides more than 3000 characters is converted into phoneti
- 超酷的仿flash JS特效菜单,看起来就跟flash做的菜单效果差不多。 此菜单用来学习还是不错的。-Imitation flash JS cool special effects menu, do look just like flash menu similar results. This menu is used to study is good.
- 小鱼全能搜索引擎无需数据库支持快速检索支持多引擎分类搜索,无垃圾代码,无任何广告。-Fish versatile search engine without the need to support multiple support fast retri search engine category, no garbage code, without any advertising.
- UBBEditor曾用名jtbcEditor,是一款基于UBB代码的所见即所得的编辑器,是一个开放源代码的程序,作者是Jetiben,最早开发并且发布于2009年,UBBEditor的特点是小巧、兼容性高、安全。-UBBEditor formerly known jtbcEditor, based UBB code is a WYSIWYG editor, is an open source program, the author is Jetiben, first developed and