- 用html和css,javascr ipt写的一个简单的微博界面的实现,包括注册,登陆和主界面的网页实现。-With html and css, javascr ipt write a simple microblogging interface implementations, including registration, landing pages, and the main interface implementation.
- Dosoft CMS采用ASP/ACCESS编写,程序编码为:utf-8,目前为测试版本 采用模板与内容分离的架构搭配强大的标签系统,是程序具有更强大更灵活的应用体验 模块化管理,规划生成全站静态页面,目前文章模块已经实现静态化,管理后台简洁清爽-Dosoft CMS using ASP/ACCESS written program code is: utf-8, the current test version Using the template and content sepa
- 黑色风格,大气另类的网址导航站,可做商业网址站,也可放自己喜欢的网站,还可做风糜一时的格子广告网-Black style, atmospheric alternative site navigation station, to do business at stations, also can put your favorite websites, and also do wind Mi temporary plaid advertising network
- 园林景观绿化公司网站模板,全套模板,DIV+CSS布局,包含首页、服务、画廊、图片展示、价格、联系我们等多个网站模板页面。-Garden landscaping company website templates, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including the Home, Services, Gallery, Photo Gallery, prices, contact us and many other sites templa
- 曼波整站系统是在 Mambo 全球版基础上改进开发的适合中国人的智能建站系统,由 Mambo中国 和 Mambo Resource 联合增强开发,是 Mambo 中文化的传承和发扬光大! 曼波整站系统是免费的自由软件,遵循 GNU/GPL 开源许可协议。-Mambo whole station system is to improve the development of the Mambo global version suitable for Chinese people on the ba
- 是一个购物网站,挺不错的全站源站程序,有前后台.-is a shopping site, they are a good source of the station's station procedures, before and after Taiwan.
- 雪里红文章管理系统采用Asp+Access开发,适应中小新闻文章型网站及个人网站需求及asp初学者学习用,整个网站采用Div+Css布局,IE6、IE7、Firefox下测试无误。-Potherb mustard article management system using Asp+ Access development, adapt to the small news article based website and personal website needs and asp begin
- php的一个投票系统 使用thinkphp框架,实现投票和后台管理-php is a voting system used thinkphp framework, try to vote and postnatal management
- Gyb2b V1.01免费版可终身使用,是一款功能强大的B2B电子商务应用软件。-Gyb2b V1.01 free version can be used for life, it is a powerful B2B e-commerce applications.
- dns服务器软件,通过他可以建立自己的diy dns服务器,完美实现动态dns-dns server software, he can build your own diy dns server, the perfect realization of the dynamic dns
- 网新中英企业网站管理系统是专业为个人和企业网站建设而开发的一款智能化程序。该程序基于ASP+ACCESS环境开发,拥有完善的网站前台和后台全智能化管理功能,完全由后台操作(如添加、修改网站基本信息、产品、企业新闻动态等)静态生成前台界面HTML格式网页文件。-New England network enterprise website management system for individuals and businesses is a professional website buildi
- 完整网站实例源码,搭建好服务器放进去就能直接使用,供学习使用。-Full site source code examples, build a good server can be directly put to use for learning.