- 寒冰文章管理系统采用一级分类,界面简洁大方,功能简单实用,操作方便,界面简洁,可远程自动上传图片,删除文章后,文章相关图片也一并删除减少垃圾文件的存在。-Ice article management system using a classification, simple and elegant interface, features simple, practical, easy to operate, simple interface, remote automatically uploa
- 超级外链迷你版,是开源程序,根据最新的科学艺术预测:现如今人类的一切重复性劳动,在未来都可以被机器和工具替代,人可以腾出手来,从事自己喜爱的创造性的事情。-Super mini version of the chain, is open source, according to the latest science and art forecast: Today all human repetitive work can be replaced by machines and tools in
- 天缘政府网站系统,本程序短小精悍,代码优化,执行速度相对快,建立政府门户网站已成为政府电子政务对外服务窗口,利于各种信息和资源的整合,为政府与社会公众之间加强联系和沟通的有效载体。-Tianyuan government website system, this program dapper, code optimization, execution speed is relatively fast, establish a government portal e-government has
- 阿赛树形论坛系统(AsaiSXBBS)是一套新颖、高速、安全、实用的论坛系统,拥有普通论坛的所有功能,基于ASP+ACCESS的全伪静态(后缀为.html)访问模式。-Athy Tree forum system (AsaiSXBBS) is a novel, high-speed, safe and practical forum system has all the features of an ordinary forum, based on ASP+ ACCESS whole pseud
- 超简单的asp留言本是一个界面干净干爽的ASP极简留言本,直接上传到你的服务器目录下就可以用,此版本为1.0,后面将会逐渐完善其功能和修补程序漏洞。-Asp super simple message of this interface is a clean, dry ASP minimalist guestbook, direct upload to your server directory can be used, this version 1.0, later will gradually
- DodeCMS成创网站内容管理系统由辽宁成创网络科技有限公司基于微软ASP、通用ACCESS数据库开发完成;访问模式采用动态模式,基本上实现了系统的自定义功能,代码简洁高效,易于修改维护,可扩展性强。-DodeCMS to create web content management system consists of a network Technology Co., Ltd. of Liaoning to complete based on Microsoft ASP, GM ACCESS
- 黑色炫酷的个人主页一款个人主页程序,比较简单,后台只有留言管理功能。-Cool black profile of a profile program, is relatively simple, background only message management capabilities.
- 711网络电影小偷是一款比较简单的电影小偷采集程序,主程序文件只有三个页面。其中711电影小偷的多个版本(旗舰版2、3、4)主要不同在于主题风格不同,此版本为伪静态版。 -711 Internet Movie thief is a relatively simple movie thief collection program, the main program file is only three pages. 711 in which multiple versions of a mov
- 货源哦是专业的网店货源网址导航系统,为寻找网店代理、网店代销、一件代发的网友提供专业的货源导航服务,货源哦免费收录全国各类网店货源网站,提供优质的货源信息网店导航。找货源就上货源哦。-Oh supply shop is a professional sourcing site navigation system to find the agent shop, consignment shop, a generation of fat friends to provide professional
- 蓝点CMS建站系统(LDCMS)适合企业站,信息站,支持二次插件开发,多种运行模式,动态,静态,具有公司公告,公司新闻,产品展示,留言,信息评论,投票,广告管理,支持生成静态,动态模式等功能。-Blue Point CMS station construction system (LDCMS) for enterprise station, kiosk, support the second plug-in development, a variety of operating modes, d
- 九豆微博修改自无名微博3.03,修正了部分登陆问题,增加了首页话题文字显示字数控制,当字数过多时,不会影响页面的美观,增加了导航编辑功能。。。 请先修改class/global.asp里的内容。-Nine beans Weibo microblogging modified nameless 3.03, correcting some of the landing problem, increase the page topic text display control words, when
- EasyCrm是一款简单的客户关系管理软件,受到全国两万多家企业客户的青睐与支持!人性化设计帮您方便管理客户!化繁为简,赢在起点!-EasyCrm is a simple customer relationship management software, subject to the country more than 20,000 corporate customers and support! User-friendly design to help you manage customer