- isoft仓储管理系统是一个基于php和mysql的仓储管理系统。前身是think仓储管理系统,现更名为isoft仓储管理系统,简称isoft wms。包含以下功能模块:首页统计、入仓登记、入仓查询、出仓登记、出仓查询、库存统计、个人设置、用户管理、通知管理、基础数据、备份恢复、操作日志。-isoft warehouse management system based on php and mysql is a warehouse management system. Was formerly
- FileBox原名MyFTP,是一个完全由PHP打造的单文件管理系统,它可以帮助站长一键备份自己的网站和数据库、一键搬家,或者当空间服务商没有提供文件解压程序的时候拿它当作文件解压程序使用。-FileBox formerly MyFTP, is a fully PHP to create a single document management system, which can help a webmaster key backup your own website and , a key m
- 有天轻论坛是一款新生论坛,主要目标是实现轻(体积小,数据优化高)、快(加载速度快)、简(方便操作,易扩展),目前测试阶段,对个人非盈利性用户免费开放,作者保留一切权利。-Light day forum is a freshman forum, the main objective is to achieve a light (small volume, high-Data Optimized), fast (faster loading), Jane (easy to operate, easy
- Yii是一个高性能的PHP5的web应用程序开发框架。通过一个简单的命令行工具yiic可以快速创建一个web应用程序的代码框架,开发者可以在生成的代码框架基础上添加业务逻辑,以快速完成应用程序的开发。-Yii is a high-performance web application development framework for PHP5. Through a simple command-line tool yiic can quickly create code that a web
- Flarum 是一款现代的,优雅的,简洁的,强大的,自由、开源的论坛软件,它专注于简单。通过Flarum您可以轻松地为您的网站搭建一个论坛。-Flarum is a modern, elegant, simple, powerful, free, open-source forum software, which focuses on simplicity. You can easily set up a forum to your site Flarum.
- MDPHP(麦迪php框架)是结合了国内外主流php框架的优点而产生的新型框架系统。基于MVC(Model View Controller)理念,同时支持多个模块,可以用于较安全的处理数据。-MDPHP (McGrady php framework) is a combination of the advantages of domestic and international mainstream php framework arising the new frame system. Bas
- 一个简单实用的留言簿程序, 需要 PHP+MySQL 支持. 此版本已经过汉化, 并增加了OICQ的功能.-A simple and practical book, you need PHP+ MySQL support. This version has been finished, and adds OICQ function.
- 重大改写,修正已发现所有BUG,并添加N项功能,依然继续遵照我的原则,免费为大家提供下载及其后期升级/使用帮助! -Major rewrite, revise it has been found that all BUG, and add the N key features, that continue to follow my principles, free for everyone to download and later upgraded/use the help!
- 包含了好多MIDI,发布比较匆忙,未做仔细斟酌,请大家帮助测试,想借此一改PHP聊天室功能弱,界面难看的尴尬局面-Contains a lot of MIDI, published in a hurry, without making careful consideration, please help test, would like to take a change in the PHP chat room function is weak, the interface is ugly em
- 根据武侠文化背景设计的一款网络WEB游戏。游戏故事起源于,侠域城周围一群为自己理想而奋斗的古代侠客们。他们中间有仗剑行善的侠义之士,也有杀人不眨眼的邪恶之徒。-According to martial arts and cultural background designed a network WEB game. The story originated in the game, around the ancient city of Man domain group knight who st
- 同时支持emotion、UBBCode、多样template(模板)、主页嵌入、核心+界面分离编写的中文留言簿程序!是目前专业主页设计之留言簿完美解决方案!-Supports emotion, UBBCode, diverse template (template), embedded in the home page, core+ interface separation program written in Chinese book! The book is the professional
- 风格独特的 MySQL 留言本,使用了大量的 CSS,具有非常完整的管理功能,需要支持 Session-MySQL guestbook unique style, use a lot of CSS, it has a very complete management capabilities needed to support Session