- S7_Pro6 一个S7
- xf86-video-ati-X11R7.2-6.6.3 x.org上有关ati系列显卡最新驱动
- FluidPipelineSimulinkModels These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressures at the ends (2) flow rates at the ends (3) pressure at one end and flow rate at the other Filtering is incorporated to reduce numerical oscillation (Gibbs phenomenon). See J. Dyn. Systems
- 《长空激战》手机游戏 这是为参加软件大赛而写的一个手机游戏
- CoorTrans GPS坐标转换算法
- OPERATOR_OVERLOADING A great insight into operator overloading in c/c++. Overloading operators in class operations is always a hectic for beginners. I hope this will be an easy source to take some hint from regarding how the operators are overloaded. Created using Turbo C/C
- simulator modbus tcp/ip
- 用VC+++编写基于TCP/IP协议的简单服务器与客户端的程序!-Using VC+++ to prepare based on the TCP/IP protocol with a simple client server program!
- 一个TCPIP客户端程序的代码,里面有一个很好用的TCP客户端类-A card reader SDMMC code
- tcp连接 发送接收 小demo-tcp connection to send to receive a small demo
- client which can remotely execute command useful for embedded system with gui that has no direct communication with os
- 14天自学TCP/IP协议,第二版。了解网络协议的好帮手-14 days self-study TCP/IP protocol, the second edition. A good understanding of network protocols to help
- TCP 通讯,代码很清晰易懂,供初学者使用。-TCP
- winsocket 能跨平台以命令模式下傳送資料-winsocket to cross-platform command mode to send data
- udp 运用范例(基于c, java, c++)-udp example(c,java,c++)
- sip 协议中各应答代码的含义 例如;200ok代表连接成功-sip agreement the meaning of the response code such as 200ok on behalf of a successful connection
- 基于tcp的socket客户端收发代码 已验证,可以运行,本人编写-Based on the tcp client socket to send and receive authentication code, you can run, I prepared
- 基于tcp的socket客户端收发代码 已验证,可以运行,本人编写-Based on the tcp client socket to send and receive authentication code, you can run, I prepared