- 本程序是一个TCP端口扫描器,既支持多主机又支持Port段扫描,用户可以任意设计其组合,而且采用了TCP connect扫描和TCP SYN两种扫描方式-This program is a TCP port scanner supports both multi-host support Port segment scanning, the user can design their combination, and TCP connect scan, and TCP SYN two scann
- 基于win32 的socket套接字的tcp/ip文件传输程序-Based on the win32 socket socket tcp/ip file transfer program
- 不错的小型tcp/ip协议,能够在8,16,32为的单片机上都能运行-The tuxgraphics stack is the smallest and fastest TCP/IP stack. It runs on microcontrollers as small as atmega88. It was designed with web server functionality in mind and it has proven itself over many years.
- 不错的小型tcp/ip协议,能够在8,16,32为的单片机上都能运行-The tuxgraphics stack is the smallest and fastest TCP/IP stack. It runs on microcontrollers as small as atmega88. It was designed with web server functionality in mind and it has proven itself over many years.
- 不错的小型tcp/ip协议,能够在8,16,32为的单片机上都能运行-The tuxgraphics stack is the smallest and fastest TCP/IP stack. It runs on microcontrollers as small as atmega88. It was designed with web server functionality in mind and it has proven itself over many years.
- OpenTCP - TCP/IP stack for embedded systems
- PF PACKET包的socket编程,里面包含了包过滤功能的相关代码。代码中包含了已编译好的可执行文件,可以在linux环境中直接使用。-The PF PACKET package socket programming, which contains the relevant code for packet filtering. The code contains a pre-compiled executable file, can be used directly in the Linux
- tcp异步通信,实现了客户端和服务器,拿来就用,作为参考具有一定的价值!-tcp asynchronous communication, the client and server, brought on by, has a certain value as a reference!
- 在NetRiver平台上,在IPv6收发基础上实现了IPv6的转发功能,通过链表结构查找路由信息。-In NetRiver platform, implemented in IPv6 transceiver based on the IPv6 forwarding function to find the routing information through the linked list structure.
- TCP/IP Packet creator using RAW socket, needs some memory handling to make it ideal ,but it send (tcp/upd/icmp) packet to any machine in LAN
- 仿真qq,sql,tcp传输协议。可以存储好友信息,聊天等功能-Simulation qq
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