- 本书详细介绍了shell脚本命令,是一本不错的学习指南。希望对大家尤其是想学好shell脚本命令的朋友有帮助。-This book details the shell scr ipt commands, is a good study guide. We especially want to learn shell scr ipt command to help a friend.
- 很经典的一本关于Linxu shell 编程的书-A classic book on the Linxu shell programming
- 一个linux学习shell的书籍,对于shell的各方面介绍都很详细,为广大的linux学习爱好者提供-a book for linux studing,it contains so many detials for linux shell programming
- linux 下shell编写脚本的详细介绍-under linux shell scr iptable details
- 这是最好的shell脚本学习指南,建议所有在UNIX下做管理员和写shell脚本的人都要-This is the best shell scr ipt study guide, it is recommended that all administrators and to write a shell scr ipt under UNIX should take a good look
- c# 调用已有的类实现 3DES AES两种加密算法,输入的文件为1.txt 10.txt。。。文件大小为 1k 10k 100k 1000k 10000k 输出加解密时间-C# call for two classes implement 3 des, AES encryption algorithm, the input file for 1. TXT 10. TXT... File size is 1 k, 10 k, 100 k, 1000 k, 10000 k output encry
- Linux内核源代码分析资料.内核机制。i386页式内存管理机制。Linux-内核语言中的c语言代码介绍。什么事越界访问。-Linux kernel source code analysis. Kernel mechanism. i386 page style memory management mechanism. Linux-kernel language c language code introduced. What cross-border access.
- 运用在ARM9嵌入式设备上,linux 平台的纯C编写VOD系统,没用图形库,通过往frambuff上画位图,实现界面,移植mplayer进行视频播放-Used in the ARM9 embedded devices, linux platform, VOD system, the preparation of pure C, useless graphics library, through the bitmap to draw frambuff achieve interface, tra
Design of theUnixOpeatingSystemByMauriceBach
- Desing of unix operting system
- ARM S3C2410 linux2.4 根文件源码,支持触摸屏驱动,已通过测试。
- 33节点系统潮流计算,风险计算 采用pq分解法进行编写,公式对应文档(33-node system power flow calculation, risk calculation)
- 基于arm和AdaBoost的人脸识别,有Qt做的界面,可以识别出来人脸,程序本身没错误,如无法运行,请查看是否有opencv库函数和安装有qt。-Qt interface to do arm and AdaBoost-based face recognition, face out people can identify no error in the program itself, If you are not able to run, to see if opencv library fu