- Oracle启动后,占的内存实在让我心疼。所以每次在我需要的时候,我才启动相应的服务。每次启动服务,都需要好几个步骤。此程序可以执行脚本中的命令,自动操作你指定的服务-Oracle after commencement, or memory so I really feel bad. So every time I needed it, I only started corresponding services. Each start-up services and need several s
- WIN2K以上关机、重启的实现。开发环境WIN2003+VC 6.0 成都西南交通大学-WIN2K above shutdown and restart the program. Development Environment 6.0 WIN2003 VC Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu
- 可以用于格式化你机器上的所有硬盘以便重新装系统-used in formatting all your hard disks in order to install system
- 这是一个基于UDP协议的网段扫描程序,Vc++开发,希望给予提供大家学习vc的帮助-This is a UDP-based network of scanning procedures, Vc development, giving hope to emulate the help vc
win2k named pipe enumeration
- 列举win2k named pipe, 使用本机API,适合初学者学习系统编程-The code enumerates WIN2K NAMED PIPE which is used local API and suit to learner who is studying system programming.
- 用于模拟GETPOST方法发送HTTP请求并取得数据.可能用于网络攻击-GETPOST simulation methods for sending HTTP request and obtain data. May be used in network attacks
- 大数运算类,用于RSA算法,支持4096位二进制的数学运算-category for the RSA algorithm, support 4096 binary arithmetic
- 流行的“QQ尾巴病毒”仿真程序源代码,不能用于害人的用途哟!-popular "QQ tail virus" simulation program source code, can not be used for harmful purposes yo!
模仿 BASIC 函数的某些 C 语言函数 4K
- 能够模仿 BASIC 函数的某些 C 语言函数 4K-BASIC function to imitate some C language function 4K
修改文件属性CHMOD的C源程序代码 8K
- 可以修改文件属性CHMOD的C源程序代码 8K-can modify file attributes CHMOD C source code 8K
- 网络流量检测网络流量统计: 对每个网络接口的流量统计,包括: 网络流量 广播负载率 网络负载率 接收流量 发出流量 接收用户包 接收广播包 发出用户包 发出管播报 广播接收负载率 广播发出负载率 接口最大带宽 接收负载率 发出负载率 综合负载率-network traffic detection network traffic statistics : for every network interface traffic statistics, including : network traf
- 系统N+1备份通用类 应用于需要安全保证的项目. 多用于电视台播出端-a backup system N generic class needs security guarantees for projects. For more broadcast -